The Mark

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Shout out to BabyGirlXP for giving me the 100th vote!!! Thanks alot!!!!! <3

~Chapter 23~

I peeked an eye open, and then the other.I felt ALOT sore between my legs for some reason but ignored it. What happened yesterday?I was wrapped in Jason's comforting arm. I then realized that I was naked.

I scooted away and saw Jason was naked as well.Holy shit! I'm no longer a virgin!Memories from yesterday came back and I wanted to puke. I had sex!I felt like I was going to puke just thinking about it. I ran into the bathroom and emptied everything out. Everytime I thought about sex the more I threw up. I felt someone holding my hair back and rubbing my back comfortingly.

"Do you feel sick?"Jason asked.  "Yes.....very....very....sick"I said going to the mirror. "Do you need a doctor? Does it hurt? Can you walk?"He went on panic mode and I shook my head, "I'm fine"I mumbled. "I need to take a shower"He nodded and I started to brush my teeth to get the gross taste out of my mouth.

I decided to avoid the sex thoughts because it made me want to puke even more. I turned on the shower and sighed in content. My muscles relaxed and I scrubbed extra hard to make sure I didn't smell like sweat and shame..... or what they call sex.

I wrapped a white,fluffy towel around myself and looked in the mirror.I saw something golden glimmering on my neck and I decided to get a closer look. I pushed my hair away from it and leaned in towards the mirror. There was a wolf howling at the moon with a powerful energy around him. 

The Alpha's Kitten was glimmering below the image. It reflected the light and felt.....weird. Everything started to be come hazy and I stumbled back a little. There was a high pitch ringing in my ear and the smell of my watermelon shampoo and body wash became stronger. I closed my eyes because of the blurriness and covered my ears. 

I stumbled into something and screamed at the top of my lungs. "Kitten!"Jason said. I slipped and fell onto his arms and he pulled me closer, "Whats wrong?"His voice echoed and everything became louder.  ""I choked out and I felt Jason running somewhere. I felt something prick my bottom lip and something sharp on my nails.

I then heard howling and a voice inside of my head. I let out another scream before everything went black.

\(  ˆoˆ)/\(ˆoˆ  )/

I opened my eyes and saw Jason pacing across the room. I could feel his confusion and anger. I tried to make it stop but it wouldn't. He must have sensed me awake and turned to me.  "Kitten"He wrapped me in his arms and I hugged back. I could smell his old spice scent but it seemed....stronger. "You put on too much old spice"I told him.

"I didn't put any on today"He told me. That made me even more confused and I knitted my eyebrows together.  "The doctor said the mark.... it..... made you....have a....wolf" He said.

"What?"I asked.  "This is very rare. Usually people are born human or wolf if they have a wolf and human parents. You were being a human but the mark it has something to do with my alpha blood but the mark gave you the characteristics of a wolf but you don't have one"I slowly nodded my head.  "Everything is so.....clear"I looked around the room. My vision was enhanced and so was my hearing and smelling.

"This is scary"I placed my hands together on my lap and he sighed.  "It's okay. I promise everything is okay and your well protected okay?"I nodded and wrapped my arms around Jason. "Alpha" A woman came in with a clip board.  "Luna"She bowed respectfully and stood in front of us.  "Luna everything is perfectly normal and you may leave"I nodded and Jason picked me  up.

"You know I can walk?"I raised an eyebrow and he chuckled,"I like this better" I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. I had a blue hospital gown on and he growled.  "No one should see you like this" I rolled my eyes, "Take me to Mariah,Shelby and Cate's room"I ordered. He walked me there and I opened the door.  "Hey bitches!"I yelled making them laugh, "I see someone's out of heat" Shelby waggled her eyebrows at me and Mariah threw me a pair of clothes. I walked into the bathroom and changed.

"Awh you have cute mark"The girls cooed.I rolled my eyes, "Whatever"We sat on the bed and I practice my water powers.  "Baby I gotta go pack work. Im having Mike guard you"Jason suddenly said coming into the room. I nodded, "Okay" A buff guy with a straight face came in and he had a funny looking face.  I started bursting out in laughter.  "What's so funny?"He asked with a boring straight face.

"You look so serious and funny"I stopped giggling and leaned against the bed.  "It's my job Luna. I can't be fun"He said.  "Yea you can"I scowled at him and he kept a straight face. "Jeez Cat, he's a warrior. Warriors never smile"Mariah scolded me and I rolled my eyes.  "He should smile."I pouted while crossing my arms. They rolled their eyes.  "Whatever. I'm going to go with my mate"My friends left the room leaving me with Sir Buzzkillington.

I decided to explore the pack house.  "Come on Mikey"I pulled his arm towards an unknown hallway.  "It's Mike and where exactly are we going?"He raised an eyebrow still with a straight face.

"I'm calling you Mikey and we're gonna explore"I skipped through the hallways happily with Mikey following behind.I saw a door and opened it.  "Luna Catherine, it's so nice to meet you"A woman chirped. I saw a bunch of kids in a circle and when they saw me they ran to me.  "Luna!"They all yelled. They surrounded me with wide, expecting eyes. I smiled at them, "Hi" They all gasped as if I were their favorite pop star.  "Luna can you play with us?"A little boy asked. 

"It's fine Luna"The teacher smiled at me and I smiled kindly back.  "Sure"I followed them to the carpet that had the ABC's on it and one suggested we play ring around the Rosey. That song is quite sad,its about the black death or whatever it was called where people died.

"Ring around the Rosey! Pockets full of poseys!Ashes,Ashes,we all fall down!"We dropped to the ground and everyone got a chance to talk to me. I enjoyed being around the kids and learned some of their names. I read stories to them and then the teacher explained it was lunch time.

I saw a little girl watching me with awe and shyness. I walked over to her, "Hello"I greeted.  "Hi Luna"She said shyly. "What's your name?"I asked.  "Bella" She replied.  "Well Bella, why don't you join the other kids?"I asked.  "I don't want to.They seem scary"She whispered.  "They aren't scary, you might even make a friend. Would you like to eat with me?"Her eyes widened.  "Really?"I nodded and she grabbed her princess lunchbox. "Can we eat outside?"She asked.  I nodded and followed her outside. Mikey did as well but kept his distance.

She ate her sandwich and I ate the chips Mikey got from the kitchen and a sandwich. "Luna"She said.  "You can call me Cat and what is it?"

"Your going to be pregnant with a baby girl" She said with a grin.  "How do you know?"I asked.  "I can see the future. Mommy says it's a gift"She giggled.  "Oh, that's nice"I said secretly creeped out.  "I know"She sat on the swing and I pushed her.  "Higher!"She squealed. I went a tad bit higher until she wanted me to stop and I helped her down.  "Luna Cat may I show you something?"She asked still not getting the Luna thing right. I nodded.  She walked into the woods with Mikey following.

"Luna Cat look. I found it 3 days ago with my older brother Damon"She pointed to the field that was filled with different flowers.  "It's beautiful"She pulled me down to the ground and she began to make something out of the vines. She put it on my head, "It's a flower crown. Mommy taught me"She said.  I smiled at her.  She made another one for herself and put it on her head.

"Your the queen and I'm the princess"She giggled. I laughed along, "Your going to be a beautiful queen when you grow up" She smiled full of happiness and spoke, "I'm gonna be Luna someday"She hugged me and we ended up playing for hours. She picked a bouquet of flowers for me and they were lovely.

I felt someone watching me and saw Jason.He had a smile on his face and his eyes sparkled. "Alpha"Bella bowed to him and he walked towards us.  "Hello"He said to Bella.  "Hi"She said shyly.  "What's your name?"He asked softly.  "Bella"She giggled when he started tickling her.  "How about you go inside Bella. Mike can you please escort her?"He nodded and left after I said goodbye. Jason wrapped his arms around me.  "The Luna ceremony is tommorow"He whispered in my ear. "I can't wait to me at the pack...but it's still scary"I pouted."Your perfect"He pecked me on the lips and I wrapped my arms around his neck.  "I know" He picked me up and I yelped in shock.

"What are you doing Jason?"I asked with a playful tone.  "Bringing my perfect mate home"He said kissing my cheek. I giggled the whole time.

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