Your Alive?!

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Second Update \( ö )/


~Chapter 18~

Jason's POV(3 days later)

3 Fucking days. 'This is your fault! You should have protected her better!' Jackson growled at me. I didn't reply because he was right. Cat had been missing and no one knows her whereabouts.People think she got in the car accident and the Jägers took her body, wiped the blood, killed her, then buried her. My wolf went crazy and so did I. I'm going to Fucking kill whoever is behind this.  "Jason" A voice whispered.  "Fuck you" I spat at the person, without looking.  "Jason" The person said again.

I turned and saw her.  "Kitten" I wrapped my arms around her but there were no sparks and my wolf howled in pain.  "You aren't Catherine" I pushed her away.  "Jason, baby it's me Mel" She said.  "Get.Out" I ordered in my alpha voice and she obeyed.

I wish I could go get her back but her scent isn't anywhere. I smelled watermelon and followed it to her. I went bizzerk.

Cats POV(3 days earlier)

I stared at the smashed car with wide eyes. It was Jägers,more specifically,the same ones that followed me home. Chewy and Skull.I turned back to the forest where Cate stood. The real Cate. The one I thought died. She waved her hand, motioning for me to follow and I did. It was a 10 minute walk in silence. I didn't speak do to the fact that Cate was alive and those men nearly killed me.  She stopped in front of a wooden cabin. I followed her inside and sat on the couch and she sat across from me.  "H-how did you" I was cut short. "How am I alive? Or how did I know you were about to be killed?" She asked.  "Both" I replied in a shaky voice.  "Well mother nature came in contact with me after the 'accident'she sorta brought me back from the dead and my mom thought they lost my body so it was a closed casket. Mother Nature told me I'm 'daughter nature' so I know about everything. Werewolves, vampires. I know about Lycans, Jägers, mates and so forth and I have been watching you. I saved your life." She explained.

" can change the weather and stuff?" I asked.  "Yep. But great power comes great responsibility" She said in one breath.  "Is this where you live?"


"So you know about elementals?"


" powers, Mariahs powers, Shelby's powers, and your powers have to do with the elemental stuff?" I asked.


"I'm sorry. We all promised not to use our powers after you died but I did" I hung my head in shame.  "Pish posh Cat. You can use them whenever you like" She said.  "Wait if you've been watching me.... you know about my mate and everything going on?" "Yup" She nodded. Okay..... "So can I stay here?" "Yes"

I flinched as the pain from the whips made me groan."Let me clean that up"She said.I laid on my stomach which kinda hurt due to the fact that I was still shirtless.She started to clean my wounds and said they injected me with Wolfsbane.

Cate was there for me throughout the days.

(3 days later)

I sat on the couch waiting for them to come. This was the longest I had been away from them and I hated it.

Knock! Knock!

I ran to the door and opened it. Mariah and Shelby tackled me in a bone crushing hug. "Cat we missed you so much" They said in unison. I hugged them back, "I missed you guys too" I motioned for them to come inside and they obeyed. "So....what's going home-I mean the pack?" I asked.  "Jason is going crazing. He calls everyone Cat and his wolf is insane! You have to come back soon, the pack is going to fall apart.It would have already if Chester and Rick didn't take over" Mariah and Shelby explained.

"I just....don't want to face him,or anyone for the matter"I said.  "Melody and Tiffany are going on some type of war for his love but he only growls at them to leave.Wheres Cate?" On cue, Cate came in. Her Grey eyes sparkling with love at us.  "YOU GUYS ARE HERE!" She squealed hugging them. I giggled at them and we went in one group hug. "So did you guys ask her about elementals?" I asked.

  "Yup. I mean it is kinda cool being able to control fire" Mariah shrugged and Shelby nodded.

"And air" Shelby added.

"Okay back to buisness" Cate tossed me a phone,"Call him don't worry he won't be able to see the number. You need to assure him that your okay before his wolf takes over and the pack falls apart" Cate said.  "I don't want to go back there" My voice cracked near the end.  "You don't have to. Just call him. We'll be right by your side." Shelby gave me a side hug and I called his number.

1 ring.

2 rings

3 rings

4 rings

5 rings

No answer.

I tried again and on the 3rd ring someone finally answered.

"Hello" A deep, broken voice asked.  "Jason?" I whispered into the phone, unable to speak higher.  "Kitten is that you? I swear to god if it isn't-" I cut him off.  "Yes.Its me Jason" He became quiet and then he started to freak out.  "Kitten I'm so sorry. Where are you? Are you hurt? What happened?Baby,im so sorry I promise I never even remembered who Melody was-" I cut him off with the tears pouring out.  "Jason I'm fine and I'm being taken care of.I just need time. I keep trying Jason. I keep trying to fight for you but something gets in the way and I need a break. I'm done" Cate squeezed my hand reassuringly.  "Can you come home?" He asked.  "I'm sorry Jason but we need to split up. I just need time to think and if you can move on it"The tears were becoming more frequent.

"Kitten please don't do this" He told me in a pained tone. "Jason I'm sorry. I have to." I hung up and started to cry on Cate's shoulder with Shelby rubbing my back and Mariah whispering soothing words in my ear. They were the best people I knew I could count on.

My sisters.

Authors Note

My friend wrote this chapter and I wanted to cry when I read it.

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