The Fight

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Picture of Mariah on the side

~Chapter 6~

I tackled her to the ground and threw punches at her face. She tried to grab me but I overpowered her and continued to throw my punches. A crowd had gathered by now and everyone was yelling and shouting. Tiffany finally managed to push me off but I got back up. "Oh, so you want to play it that way, huh? " She threw a punch my way and hit my jaw making me spit out blood. I did a roundhouse kick and she stumbled back but tackled me and started to choke me. I was about to kick her in her vagina but I knew that wouldn't have the effect like it has on guys so I elbowed her boob.

She stumbled back cupping it, "My titty!" She said in a shrieked pitched voice.

"Someone get alpha!" I heard someone yelled. I kicked her again and she didn't move back but started punching me. Wounds opened and blood poured out. There was alot of blood but I refused to back down. I pulled her by her hair and she tried to get me to stop but I accidently ripped a big chunk out and kicked her and punched her until she was unconscious. Everyone gathered around her, ignoring me.

"Caaatherine." Someone said my name.

I looked around and saw her in the woods. "C-Catey? " I said walking to her. She giggled and ran into the woods. I looked around and when no one was looking, I followed her. "Cate?!" I followed her to a clearing. There was water. Alot of it. I heard Cate scream and ran to her voice. She was in the water: Drowning. "Cate!" I jumped into the water and tried to grab her but she was no longer there. I swam back up and saw her sitting Indian style with a white dress on. She had a glow around her. I sat by her. "Cate?" I choked out.

"Cat, look at your reflection in the water." She said. I did as told and saw nothing. My face no longer had cuts or bruises. It was clean.

"Cate... how Cate. I can't do this... " I told her.

"Catherine it's okay. You need to." She said but I shook my head, "I-I can't" I told her. "Cat can you do one trick? For me?" She asked. I sighed and nodded. I brought my hands up and the water rose. I twirled my finger and she giggled as the water twirled along. I made it into a ball and made it splash against a tree. "That was beautiful, Cat." She said.

"Thanks." I grinned.

"Cat, what are you doing?" She asked horrified.

"What?" I asked. I noticed I wasn't in the clearing anymore. I was at the pool and there was a smaller version of myself with Cate.

"Please Cat? One more time.." She begged.

"Fine" I told her. I made the water carry her and she started to rise. "Higher Cat! Higher!" She begged. I made it go a little higher and she giggled. "No! Stop!" I tried to stop my powers but they were out of control. She couldn't hear me. "Cate! " I yelled. Cate began to scream when she realized how high she was and moved around, but only to slip and fall to the ground, lifeless.

I jerked awake and saw myself in the clearing. I heard a noise behind me and turned around. 2 guys stood there. "Hello luna." He smirked evilly. "We need you to die but first maybe a" He pushed me against the tree and both of the guys started to touch me. What the hell?!

"What are you-?" I was cut off by him covering my mouth.

"Shhhhh, it's gonna be fine. Let us do the work." He started to bring my shirt up but he was knocked off. I fell to the ground and saw a huge brown Wolf.

The eyes were very familiar. Then it hit me. Grey eyes that watched me. It looked like a huge bear and it ripped out the first guys heart with its teeth and spit out on the ground. It ripped through the other guys head until his brain was in view making me cry. "Oh my god!" I gasped. He looked at me, took a couple steps towards me, looked at me straight in the eyes then retreated in the woods.

I couldn't take my eyes off of the scene in front of me. I ran away until I saw a familiar road and ran home. When I got to the familiar door I swung it open and threw up. "Cat! I was so worried..... fight..... run....... school." Everything was becoming blurry and their words echoed. I could see the faint out line of my mom, Mariah, Shelby, Chester,Cole, and Rick. Everyone was saying things I couldn't understand until I fell to the ground and got consumed by darkness.


My mom didn't bother to come into my room. It has been 3 days since I passed out. I can't eat without throwing up because the thought of the heart and his brain were clear and gross. I just stare at the wall all day, deep in thought.

"Cat?" A soft voice spoke. "Cat, it's us." Mariah said but I continued to look at the wall.

"How did you heal so fast?" Shelby gasped.

I continued to stare at the wall and they sighed, "Cat please. I hate seeing you like this." Riah said. She sounded like she was crying.

"Cat what happened? Where did you go?" Shelby asked.

A tear slides down my cheeks and I finally looked at them. I opened my mouth but decided better and closed it. I just stared at them and I could see Mariah's puffy red eyes from crying and Shelby's black hair was a mess. I turned back to the wall and stared at it.


I heard my window open and close but ignored it. "Kitten." A deep voice said. "Kitten, are you okay?" Jason asked grabbing my chin and bringing it to his eyes. "Kitten please talk." He said sadly. I just stared at him and he wrapped his arms around me. I felt safe and wrapped my arms around him as well. "Kitten, let me help you." He whispered in my ear. He picked me up bridal style and brought me into my bathroom.

He took off my shirt and pants but left my under garments on. He turned on the shower and when it was warm enough, he set me in it and started to wipe me but didn't even glance at my bare chest. I was thankful for that and it made me happy.

He shampooed my hair and wrapped a towel around me. I took the bra and panties he gave me and put them on and dropped my towel. He dried my hair and put it in a ponytail. He also gave me his shirt to wear and put me in my bed. He was about to sleep on the floor but I grabbed his arm signaling him to stay and he got in beside me. "Kitten, what happened?" He asked.

"I... saw... Cate." I croaked out. He stroked my face.

"How did you heal so fast?" He asked.

"Water." I responded.

"Kitten what happened? " He asked again.

"I saw... Cate and followed her. I was in a dream and woke up. There were 2 men. They tried to.... " I trailed off.

"They tried to what, Kitten?" He asked.

"Rape." I whispered. His eyes turned darker.

"Did they do it?" He asked.

"I was saved... by someone.... he..... ripped his heart out and scratched his head and I could see... his brain." I spoke frightened.

"Kitten it's okay. I promise I won't let anything happen to you." He whispered, wrapping his arm around my waist. I felt so safe and right in his arms. I fell asleep without a nightmare of that fateful day.

Authors Note

2 Chappies in one day (unedited)

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