The death of a mate

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~Chapter 27~

Cats POV

I rubbed my belly whispering to the baby, trying to calm myself down. "Luna" Someone said. I looked up and saw a bunch of bloody people.  "Yeah?"

"It's over" The soldier said. "W-wheres Jason?"I whispered. My voice cracked a bit when I realized he wasn't there. "He...." Tears started to spill and I walked out of the cell.  "Ryder....ummmm....a gun.....He was shot"The soldier said.

"Where is he?"I asked.  "Pack hospital but no ones allowed-" I ran away and towards the hospital.I followed his old spice scent and saw the surgery room and slammed the door open,"Jason" I cried staring at his pale body with blood pouring out of his wound.  "Luna, you aren't allowed in here" A doctor said. 

"I don't care if I'm not allowed I'm going to be in here" I said in my Luna voice and they shut up. "Luna he might not make it. He needs blood" She said. Jason's heart was beating and his eyes were closed,"I'll do it" I said.  "Luna he needs Lycan blood to live" The doctor said.  "I am Lycan" The doctors gasped and turned to me. "Your just a human"

"You're supposed to be helping my mate not asking questions about my life dammit!Im half Lycan and half human" I used my Luna voice again on the poor people they turned to Jason and began working. Tears fell down my eyes as his heart beat slowed."Luna..." Someone grabbed my wrist and handed me a blade, "You can give him blood"She said.

What do I do? "Luna your wasting time"The doctor said. I put the blade on my wrist an the doctor put it against Jason's mouth. I could feel the blood leaving my body, . "Luna it's working!"I heard the heart monitor picked up as I felt blood flowing out of my body.

"Okay Luna, can you wait outside now?Please?"A doctor asked nervously. I nodded and exited the room and lay in the waiting room.


(I am feeling SUPER lazy.The rest is unedited)

Jason had been in a coma for a week. The doctors don't even know if he will wake up. The chances are low.

I stared at him as he lay there. "Jason"I grabbed his hand and held on tightly.  "Jason please wake up." I whispered. I wiped away my tear and put his hand on my stomach.  "That's daddy"I whispered to our baby. "Daddy's asleep but he should wake up soon"I assured the bundle of joy and grabbed Jason's hand again,"He's going to wake up" I was trying to assure myself more than anyone. I scooted in next to Jason and put a blanket over us and fell asleep.

"Luna,wake up" Someone whispered. I smacked their hand away.  "What?"I asked not opening my eyes.  "You need to sleep on a real bed. That looks uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable my ass, I'm staying here until Jason wakes up and no one is saying otherwise." I growled in my Luna voice.  "You shouldn't stay for long. It's bad for the baby"

"Out" I demanded in my Luna voice and I heard the sound of feet falter away and the door open and close.  "Jason please don't leave me" I whispered kissing his cheek.

  I put his hand on my stomach again.  "Our baby needs us.Both of us. I can't do it alone. I can't.... "I whispered. I knew if Jason died I would go crazy. "Jason please wake up." Tears fell from my eyes and I cried hard.  "Please Jason. I can't do this alone. I need you and our pup needs us. Please" I wailed. "Jason please" I cried harder while curling up and going into the bathroom. I cleaned up and went back to the room.Jason was looking around the room.  "Jason...." I gasped running into his open arms and hugging him.  "What's wrong Kitten?" He asked. "I thought you left me." I mumbled.

"I couldn't give up without a fight baby, I love you" I kissed him and he kissed back immediately,"I love you too" I whispered back. He rubbed my belly with his hand and I placed my hand over his.The door opened and a doctor came in. I instantly felt bad for yelling at them. "Alpha,your awake. L-Luna"He bowed to us and I smirked.  "Alpha do you need us to check on your wounds?"He asked carefully, afraid I might explode.

"No thanks. I feel fine.You're dismissed" The doctor quickly left and I traced my finger along the scar on Jason's chest. "Why was the doctor afraid?"Jason asked.  "I got mad at them....and might have...... yelledatthembecauseyouweren'tawakeandIwasscaredtodeath "

He raised an eyebrow at me and I spoke slower, "I yelled at them because you weren't awake and I was scared to death" I felt a vibration noise and then heard Jason's chuckle. "It isn't funny"I pouted while crossing my arms and he kissed my forehead.  "Of course darling"He lifted me and walked us out of the room. "Hey! I can totally walk!"I scowled at him and he chuckled, "I like this alot better"I rolled my eyes but still enjoyed being in his arms.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and giggled as he brought me to our home and sat me on the counter in the kitchen. "Are you hungry?"He asked.  "No. Just tired. My back hurts a little"He started to massage my back and oh my god his hands are so soft. Jason is sex on legs.

I moaned at the feeling and I relaxed.  He picked me up afterwards and carried me to the bed.  "Go to sleep" He whispered. I nodded and he kissed me, and then my stomach. "Goodnight baby, All my love"

Authors Note

Do you like it?I just named the chapter that to give you guys a heart attack<3

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