Annoying Bitches

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Picture of Shelby on the side

~Chapter 5~

I decided to give Jason a chance but not as I love him but as an I'll be nicer to you kind of way. Like making a friend but very slowly. I put both of my hands against his chest and moaned in pleasure at the sparks. I hope that moan wasn't loud. I rubbed softly against his chest making him groan. "What are you doing, Kitten?" He asked.

"So soft." I moaned rubbing his chest. I felt extra bubbly this morning, not like myself.

I sat up slowly and faced a grinning Shelby and Mariah, "Ohhhh" Shelby said and Mariah waggled her eyebrows.

"Shut up." I groaned getting up and walking into the bathroom when I realised something. 1 being school and 2 being my mom is probably worried sick about me. I screamed at the mirror realising one thing. I'm. Dead.

Jason instantly ran in shirtless, "what's wrong?" He asked. I ignored him and pushed passed him. I turned on my phone and saw I had 98 texts from my mom and 51 calls.

My phone went off and I jumped in shock. I answered, "Hello?"

"Catherine Daniels why did you ignore my calls?"

"Mom, I'm so sorry. My phone was off!" I told her.

"It's fine. I was out late anyways. Can you come home?" She asked surprisingly calm.

"Okay, I will! Love you, bye"

"Bye." the line went dead.

"Cat what did she say?" Shelby asked. "To come home. But she didn't sound mad." I explained. They nodded and helped me pack my stuff. I went outside the house and into Jason's car. He offered to drive me in which I accepted. He started the car.


I opened the door and got out. "Call me if you need anything." He shouted. I nodded and used my keys to open the door.

"Cat!" I felt my sister and brother hug my legs and my mom with her arms crossed and a raised eyebrow.

"Were you with Jason?" She asked.

"Yeah, I accidently missed school." I hung my head and stared at my shoes like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"No it's fine. You were with Jason but you still get your stuff taken away from missing school." She said. I nodded and went up to my room. It looked like I was robbed.

Everything was gone. My mini fridge, TV, Xbox one, laptop, and basically anything fun. "Phone." My mom held out her hand, standing in the doorway. I frowned and gave it to her. She closed the door and I jumped onto my bed face first and wallowed in misery.


After my shower I decided to put on my high waist skinnys and favorite We're young and free shirt. I quickly put my hair in a high ponytail and grabbed my backpack. "Have a nice day." My mom tossed me the apple and I caught it in time.

"Bye." I said then left. It had been exactly a week since I was grounded but my mom being the sweet person she is couldn't stand being mad at me for more than a day.

I walked eating my apple as fast as possible. The whole week I felt like I was being watched, sure enough every time I look, I see grey eyes. It was actually really disturbing so I tried to think rationally.

When the familiar building came into view, I threw my apple core into the nearest trashcan and went inside. I also met my old friend Cole, he moved back to our school and Jason hates him. "Cathy." He picked me up by my waist making me giggle and he twirled me around.

"Cole! Put me down this instant." I demanded.

He chuckled, "Whatever you say princess." He set me on my feet and took my glasses off. "You got new ones? " He asked. I glared at him. He ran away yelling, Catch me if you can!"

"Cole! Get back here!!"

I started running after him and caught up. I jumped on his back making him tumble forward. I took my glasses and put them back on. "Cole! Cat!" Familiar voice yelled. Next thing I know, I was crushed by a huge weight and everyone tumbled down. I felt someone wrap their arm around my waist and turn around which broke the fall because he landed on the ground and I was on top of him.

I blushed at our position and tried to get up but he held me down. "Um-you can let go." I said awkwardly. He chuckled and I got up when he let go. Well, that was awkward. I bumped into something hard behind me and jumped in shock. I turned to face the one and only Jason. He was glaring at Cole and his eyes bled into black and he was shaking in anger. I could actually feel the anger and it made me flinch slightly.

"Mine" He growled loudly. My eyes widened at his tone. It almost made me shit myself.

One thing I realized during the week is that he calms down when I touch him. I know, weird right but I don't judge. "Jay calm down." I said placing my hand on his arm lightly. The tingles weren't tingles anymore. I felt the strongest pull to him ever and it scared the living daylights out of me. They were lightning bolts and I jumped back in shock, looking at my hand like it was infected.

Jason must have noticed because he looked at his arm and then me. "Shit." He mumbled. I was still staring at my hand awkwardly when the bell rang. I wasted no time in going to class.


"Stop!" I hit Coles hand but he already had my fry. I also realized how to win over Chester and Rick. They pretty much do anything me if I cry. "Meanie" I pouted crossing my arms.

"Cathy! " Cole whined.

I ignored him and tapped Mariah's shoulder, "He stole my food." I whined making her laugh. I turned back to my plate seeing Chester take my fry. "I'm telling Jason." I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

"No no no, I'm sorry." He said quickly. "Don't cry" He begged making me smirk and I started laughing.

Jason sat by me and I could feel the electric shocks in the air, engulfing me. I gulped and scooted farther away.

"Cathhyyy." A voice chirped. I glared at Cole and stuck my tongue out. "That's not very nice." He crossed his arms. I rolled my eyes and leaned my head on Jason's feeling my head swish around. He was shocked for a second but relaxed. I heard giggling and turned to see Tiffany and some other guy together. She smirked at me then winked. Not normal.

I turned around and shifted in my seat uncomfortably.


"You bitch!" I yelled at Tiffany. She 'accidently' pushed me to the ground.

"Oops." She smiled faking innocence.

"What the hell did I ever do to you?" I yelled at her.

"You stole my boyfriend!" She yelled.

"Boyfriend? You think I'm some type of god damn boyfriend stealer?!" I shrieked.

"Yes and you're so.... annoying and rude and let's not get to the fact that you killed your sister." She spoke with venom in her voice.

That's when I snapped.

All hell broke loose.

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