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Oliver's P.O.V

All night Cody sulked. We had gotten to the restaurant and I introduced Cody to Cordie. That's when I noticed their names sounded the same.

I ordered our dinners and the waiter served us wine and water. That's when Cody said he wanted juice like us. I had to tell him it was adult juice. He wouldn't give in till I paid extra for someone to squeeze some oranges for his bloody juice.

The next one was when his food came and he didn't look to impressed by it. I didn't blame him though. I wouldn't have been either. It was macaroni that looked like a meat patty, four chicken nuggets but made from Turkey and a squeeze of tomato sauce.

Cody sat there and picked at it and I called the waiter over for something else for Cody to eat.

Then Cordie tried talking to Cody, but Cody wasn't interested. He just sat there and shrugged. He had never done this last time we went out.

I told Cody to be nice and he sighed saying he wanted Monty. I had to explain to Cordie that Monty was his nanny. She thought I meant a male nanny. I didn't correct her.

I had told Cody to behave and eat his dinner or no dessert. But I did give in to him for the sake of keeping him quiet from raving on about Monty.

It was around nine when we left the restaurant and I drove Cordie back home with us. After I had a fight with Cody about him sleeping, I allowed him to sleep in Monty's room. I decided I would move him later.

It was now early hours of the morning and I stood in my flannel pants, staring out the only window in my bedroom that faced the security gates.

I kept my eyes open for a car, any car, but none came. I heard Cordie moan in her sleep in my bed. I turned back to the window and waited.

I barely paid attention to Cordie all night as she babbled about her father, her friends, her socialite status. How she went on and on about the petty stuff that was so important to her and how we should move forward in our relationship.

I just hummed and nodded and agreed with everything she said. Cody looked unimpressed by her. And I was starting to see why each time I spent more time with her when we weren't screwing.

The minutes felt like hours. These windows were tinted so no one could see in. From when I first built the place, that was my full intentions for privacy. All the parties I had hosted here. Some business, some pleasure. Very pleasurable.

Finally I saw head lights shine towards the house and the security light at the front gate turned on.

After several minutes, the car came closer and stopped by the garage. I watched silently as Monty got out off the car. Then so did Percy.

He walked to her and they held each other in an intimate embrace. I could barely make out their facial expressions, but I did know what it looked like when they kissed.

Monty leaned in the car and grabbed some stuff out and that's when I realised she wasn't wearing that dress. She was wearing track pants and a shirt.

I stilled. She slept with him, again. I shook my head. Why should I care? I'm in a relationship. She is in one. If she wants to sleep around, that's her business.

Percy got in the car and left. I saw Monty leave my eyesight.

Well, she is home and alive. I sighed as I moved away from the window. I looked at the coffee table by my sofa. It held personal paperwork. The moonlight shined in to the room, showing the bold letters.

"Ollie, darling." I heard Cordie as I looked at her. "Come back to bed."

I scratched the back of my neck.

"I'll be there in a minute. Go back to sleep." I whispered as I sat on the sofa.

Cody had been nothing but a handful tonight, all because he wanted Monty to come. He did whine about her not being there. He asked her to be his mother!

But Monty was so good with Cody. I had spoken to my parents and they were enjoying their break from him. They should be enjoying their retirement, not raising children again.

Even though I send money to them to help with Cody, and they deny how much of a handful he can be, I don't think me taking him for a few weeks once or twice a year is going to cut it. My parents need more help.

I know Mrs Darcy is there, but she is old and strict and my mother did say she doesn't believe in some of the ways Mrs Darcy punishes Cody.

I sighed again. I stacked the paperwork neatly, putting it all in the correct order. My parents and I have spoken about Cody and we have come to a decision for the three year old.

"Ollie..." I heard from Cordie again. I swear I could hear a giggle but I shook it off. I got up from the sofa and went back to bed, draping the blankets over me.

I heard Cordie moan again as she snuggled in to me. I stiffly placed my arm around her as I tried to will some kind of sleep to come.

A short chapter
Next chapter is back in Monty's point of view.

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