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Oliver came with me, no, more like I went with Oliver to take Cody to his first day of day care.

There were some tears - me- and tantrums - Oliver- and no's - Cody.

But after forty minutes of Oliver failing to convince Cody and his new teachers tried to coax him as well, I won the upper hand.

I wanted to wrap my arms around him and hold him tight, bring him home, but instead I knelt on the ground and held the boy's hands.

We had a serious discussion and I promised him ice cream for dessert plus three story's tonight.

It was a tough negotiation with a determined three year old.

Now back home, I was technically finished till it was time to get Cody. The house was empty and quiet without him and I shivered.

The last of the snow was melting, making everything wet and left puddles every where. If they were still there tomorrow, I might play with Cody in them.

Might. I'll see how this goes.

I knocked on the study door and opened it.

Oliver was at his desk as usual as I made my way there and sat at one of the chairs.


I saw the pile of drawings from Cody and looked up at my boss.

"I need to talk."

Oliver frowned at his work. "Talk?"

"Yes. Boss to worker, friend to friend?" I grimaced.

Oliver looked at me weirdly. "Okay." He eventually said.

I flipped through the large pile of drawings, looking at every picture.

"About Saturday night."

"Well I'm glad it doesn't involve me for once." Came his smart reply.

"It kind of does." I whispered. But I was heard.

"Pray tell how?" He sighed as he placed a pen down and looked over his laptop at me. I tried to avoid his glare.

"And that talk we had the other night about Cody." I pulled out a picture.

"Miss Kelly!"

I snapped my head up to him.

"Spit it out."

"Well, I don't know what to do. I agree with you on your methods about separating Cody from me,"

"You didn't really have a say on that."

"I know, but I got really sad about it. I do adore that boy. But you were right. Where will I be in five or ten years time. Cody will be thirteen going on fourteen and he won't want a nanny at that age."

"Then Percy," I saw how Mr Blacks lips twitched. It must be the same when I try not to giggle when I think of his nickname, Ollie, oops. I smirked and giggled. "Sorry." I took a deep breathe. "Then Percy said the same thing as well. Do I want to spend the rest of my twenties being a maid or a nanny? And it got me thinking."

"Thinking on what?"

"My job. Do you want me to continue on being Cody's nanny?"

"Where is this coming from?"

I shrugged as I looked at the picture. Cody had drawn himself in his bed and I was there as well reading to him on one side and Oliver was on the other side. I had been making him practise his writing and in a very messy scribble I saw the letters he wrote.

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