Chapter 5

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A bit longer chapter


As she exits her room she sees.....

End of recap...

As Arashi exits her room, she sees Ayato pinning Yui against the wall and drinking her blood.

As Arashi passes them, Yui says in a low voice, "Arashi, please help me...", Arashi pretends to not hear Yui's plea, and keeps walking.

As she makes her way to Reiji's room, she looks around and admires her surroundings. Because she didn't get a chance to look around when she got there.

Arashi stands In front of Reiji's door, she knocks on it gently. A faint,"Come in.", can be heard so she enters the room.

"Ah, Ms.Komori, please take a seat.", Reiji commands her to, as Arashi looks around she notices that his room has many old liking books.

"Why did you call for me?", Arashi ask emotionless with a hint of annoyance in her voice. Reiji smirks before speaking,"Before we start do you wish to have some tea?"

It sounded more like a command then a question, so Arashi nods. Reiji goes and quickly does the tea, and pours it into a lovely tea-cup.

Reiji hands it to Arashi, and she takes it. He sits down and drinks his tea, as he looks up he sees Arashi about to drink the tea.

Before it can reach her lips, she spills it over the arm chair, into a plant. The plant rots and dies instantly.

Arashi looks at Reiji with innocent eyes,"Oops, my bad,"Arashi smirks,"I'm quite the klutz.", as she laughs humorlessly.

Then she stops, glares at Reiji and puts her teacup on the coffee table, "Did you think that I'm that dense?? I am smarter than Yui."

Arashi gets up and head towards the door, reaching out towards the doorknob. Before she can reach it, she's slammed against the door, her back pressing against the door and the doorknob digging into her right side.

She hisses in pain, Reiji smirks and throws her towards his bookcase, she slams against it, making some books fall off. Before she drops to the ground, she gets slammed against it again.

Reiji holds Arashi with her neck, his hand is holding her neck tightly. Chocking her, he means in on Arashi's neck and whispers,"I'm going to be the first one to bite that pretty neck of yours.", he smirks.

Before he can put his fangs in her neck, she knees him in his, no no, zone.(If you get the, no no, zone, I luv you)

Reiji retracts his fangs and doubles over, and releasing Arashi in the process, she coughs and starts to regain air.

After gaining air back, she bolts for the door again, but Reiji appears and pushes her away fromthe door. "Move, Reiji, or I have to hurt you...", Arashi growls, her eyes turning a darker shade of their original color.

Reiji doesn't make a move to get out of the way, only smirks and moves forward to grab Arashi's throat again, but misses.

Arashi's eyes completely turns pure black, she has Reiji's hand in hers, in a flash she's behind Reiji and his hand still in hers.

She twists his arm, making him groan in pain. Arashi smirks and releases his hand, Reiji is on one knee and Arashi kicks him into the ground, making her laugh at his pain.

Before anything could go any further, someone knocks on the door and opens it. Yui is standing there looking at Reiji with shock and hurries to his aid.

But of course, Reiji grabs Yui and leans into her neck and sinking his fangs into her neck. She screams in pain and passes out of blood blood loss.

Reiji looks up, where Arashi was before, but to find no one standing there, just an empty place. Reiji frowns deeply at this, and roars in anger at this.

After a few minutes of him calming down, he thinks back where her eyes grow dark, then pitch black. He grows more curious about what happened to Arashi's eyes. He decides to ask her later on, the next day.

With Arashi after leaving Reiji's room

As Arashi appears in her room, she tries to calm down. But she can't, nothing is working for her to calm down.

As she takes a deep breath, she smells blood, she hasn't had blood in so long. Since she was found by the church, she couldn't drink even a drop of blood.

As she can't handle the smell of blood anymore she teleport out of the mansion and into the forest, where everything is silent and peaceful.

As she wonders the forest for awhile, a branch breaking can be heard in the distance. Arashi looks, in the direction of the sound and decides to head in that direction.

Arashi nears a beautiful lake, with the full moon's reflection on the top of the lake, a breath taking view for the eye sight.

The lake

As Arashi sits next to the lake, she hears crying from a few feet away

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As Arashi sits next to the lake, she hears crying from a few feet away. She turns around and....

Words: 842
Hope you liked it

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