Chapter 12

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As they come out from the shadows, it's the three....
End of recap..
Arashi's pov

The triplets walk out of the darkness and into the moon's light, their glaring at the strange men in front of me.

Ayato looks at me with dagger eyes, and quickly looks back to the men, with a shaper dagger eyes at them.

"Hand her over now! Before it gets messy!" Ayato shouts to them, the one with white hair looks back at me and pulls me forward. Pushing me towards the triplets, which they have dumb founded written on their face.

They look at each other and shrug, as they reach to grab me from them. I'm still dumb founded, 'What the fu-'

I cut myself off as I feel the three dumb-asses pulling me away and taking me back to their mansion.

As I struggle against their hold, but their grip tightens around my wrist. Which I can easily tear myself away from them, and I decide to do so.

I shift myself into a form, called 'Demon of All', which is one of my weakest form but still strong against any other supernatural being.

My hands turning pitch black up to my elbows, my finger nails becoming longer and sharper like an animals. Black small horns coming out above my both ears, two demon like wings, and a demon tail showing out of my skirt.

I lightly tug on my wrist away from them, and successfully getting out their hold. Ayato growls in anger, "What the he'll do you think your doing-!" His eyes widen as he looks back at me, just like his bothers eyes.

I get ready to fly away from them, and quickly do so while I push them back with my strong demon wings flapping gust of wing to them.

As I push them back, they cover their eyes, so dirt doesn't go into them. I quickly make my way towards the forest more and more.

As I go further into the forest, trees getting bigger and more thicker, as I go further into the forest. It was getting harder to fly though and between trees as I pass them.

"#&^$& &!*#&#&!!!", I hear from a close rang distance right behind me. I look back, and see a red hair, white hair, and light blonde hair quickly aprouching me.

As I keep looking back, I didn't notice the big ass tree in my way. Before I hit the tree, the last thing I hear before colliding to the tree is, "WATCH OUT!"

Before I have my face stuck to the tree and pain erupting all over my body, before I pass out from hitting my head to hard on the tree.

(This what happened to her)

Words: 454
Sorry if to short, just got motivated to write some parts of it.

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