Chapter 19!

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"Well, the name's...."


×3rd pov×

"Well, the name's Ayumu, Ayumu Murakami." The male states towards the 2 vamps, and the 3 demons.

"What is your business with us." Zero says, not even asking. Ayumu glances at the five males, then smirks in a mischief way, then laughs. The five males look at him in confusion, thinking 'What the hell is so funny?'

Ayumu speaks up after his laughing fit, taking a breath he starts to speak in a strange way, "እዚያ እዚህ የመጣሁት ለአርሺም ነው.(Well, I came here for Arashi.)" He says in a foreign language.

The demon brothers glare at Ayumu, "ቋንቋውን እንዴት ያውቃሉ?(How do you know that language?)" Zero ask in the same language, while glaring at the man, who's now smirking.

Klaus speaks up in anger as well, "ለዘመናት ለሚኖሩ ሰዎች ብቻ ለዚህ ቋንቋ ያውቁ!(ONLY DEMONS WHO LIVED FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS KNOW ABOUT THIS LANGUAGE!)" He shouts out in pure anger.

"ይህንን ቋንቋ ሊማር የሚችለው በጣም ጠንካራ ነው.(Only the very strong can learn this language.)" Nick says in a some-what clam|angry voice. Ayumu's smirk widens, "እኔ ለአራሽ ብቻ እገኛለሁ, አሁን እሷን አሳልፋ አድርጊ.(I'm here only for Arash, now hand her over.)"

The 2 vamps disappear from the room, the demon brothers get into a fighting stance, challenging Ayumu to make a move up the staircase.

Zero tightly grips onto his white katana, Nick summons his medium size dragon, and Klaus makes his nails grew sharper and longer.

Ayumu smirks in amusement, "እዚህ ለመሆን አልፈልግም, እዚህ የምወጣው አንድ ሰው ለማጣጣል ነው.(I'm here to retrieve someone who was lost from me.)" Ayumu says, confusing the 3 males.

"But," Ayumu pauses, looking at each brother with a glint in his eyes,"if you want to fight, then prepare to see death in the eyes." Ayumu's eyes turn pitch black with an evil glint in his eyes.

He gets into a fight stance, getting ready to attack the brothers. They stand there in silence for a couple of minutes, seeing who'll make the first move.

As they lunge at each other, a voice suddenly screams out, "ENOUGH!" A sudden force makes the four demons stop, Arashi appears, but she doesn't seem to be Arashi if that makes any sense.

'Arashi' walks down the staircase with such grace, she starts to transform into...

Sorry for the late update T^T

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