Chapter 17

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~3rd pov. {and kinda a 1st pov too}~

"Stupid! Stupid! How did I not see that!", she groans in frustration as she is now tangled in a web of vines. Okay, you might be wondering how I got in this situation, well it all started because of a certain, no, certain demonS chasing me down the viney forest. We were just playing a game, well more like a chase game to be more exact. 


I slow down my pace and taking a tiny break, I slow down my breathing to focus on my where about. Sensing if anyone is near by, and there was the 3 demon brothers. I roll my eyes and smirk, 'they can't find me here!' I laugh darkly. ' I will win this game that they want t play with me.' I chuckle, hearing a rustle behind. I get my ass up and bolt away, not looking where I was going, tripping on a tree's root popping out of the earth.

Then I roll into a viney forest, while I was tumbling down a steep hill I got tangled in vines while in the process of falling down to my death. I see sharp rocks at the end of the hill, and I'm heading straight towards it with full on speed. I scream and shut my eyes tightly not wanting to see my death by rocks.

Then it feels like everything stops, I feel something drip onto my cheek. I open my eyes seeing a red substance go down my cheek realizing that a pointy rock cut my cheek in the process of me stopping. I sigh in relief but then the vines start to retreat back, shit this is the enchanted forest!

~End Of Flashback~

And that is pretty much how I got here, I hear a chuckle and loud laughter coming from my right side. I growl out of anger, "YOU BETTER HELP! OR I SWEAR I'LL BREAK YOUR BONES!" I scream in anger as the vines start to tighten their grip on me the more I struggle. I glare at Zero as he just stays in place not even lifting a finger to help, he has a stupid smirk placed on his stupid handsome face.

While Klaus and Nick laugh as I struggle to get out of the vines ,somehow, strong grip on me. I groan in annoyance as none of them want to help me out, "I'm tangled, up side down, and BLOOD IS RUSHING TOWARDS MY HEAD! WHEN I GET DOWN FROM HERE I'M GOING TO FUCKING SHOVE MY FOOT SO FAR UP YOUR AS-!!!"

" Okay!! We're going to help you, if you promise not do that." Klaus ask frighten by my threat, I nod deciding to punch them as they didn't help me earlier. They cut off the vines off me and I land perfectly on my ass. I get up and punch Nick and Klaus as a punishment for not helping me.

"HEY! What was that for!?!?!?" they both shout in anger, I glare at them before glaring at Zero making his smirk disappear and making him look away from me. After a while of silence Zero coughs into his hand and looks at Arashi, "We got a massage from our master he said that, 'Arashi, you must return back to my sons since it is almost the blood red moon night in a month and 3 weeks.' And we, Me, Klaus, and Nick, will bring you back to the Sakamaki mansion."

I groan, "Why there? The weak bitch is there and-" I'm stop by Zero covering my mouth with his hand. "She isn't there, she is at the Mukami mansion since she has caused lots of trouble for all the young masters." I nod with a sigh leaving my mouth. "Alright, lets go back then." I say.

Third pov

They walk away and start their journey towards the Sakamaki mansion, they disappear behind tress as they walk further and further away from the enchanted forest. Not knowing at once that someone was leaking in the darkness and watching their every step.

Words: 680

Sorry it took so long just having writers block. :3

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