Chapter 9

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As I was going for a last punch, someone's hand stops my fist before it can hit the bitch's ugly ass face. I look up and see...
End of recap...
Arashi's pov

As I looks the owners hand, it belongs to Yuma. He pulls me off of the girl, he starts to drag me out of the crowd as I look back at the girl, she's glaring at me while holding her now broken fake nose.

I flip her the bird and stick out my tongue at her, her glare hardens at me. She tries to get up but falls back on her flat ass, I laugh at her falling.

Once Yuma successfully dragged me out of the crowd, he glares at me, "Are you stupid?!? What was that about?!?", he screams at me. I roll my eyes and he hits me on my head.

I whine and rub my head where he hit me, I stick my tongue out of him, and he picks up his fist playfully. I retract my tongue and playfully glare at him.

As I walk away from him i turn around, stick my tongue out and pull down my under eyelid at him. Yuma just chuckles and rolls his eyes before going around the corner.

 Yuma just chuckles and rolls his eyes before going around the corner

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I giggle quietly, and walk towards the stairs that lead to the roof. I decide not to go to my first class, cause I didn't want to see any of the Sakamaki bothers right now.

I open the door to the roof top, and walk out, the air was cool and nice to feel on my skin. I sigh in relaxation, and go to the bench right next to the door. I lay down and put my arm on top of my eyes, so any light is block out.

2nd Period

I went into second period because it's one of my favorite subjects. It's music, one of the things that can keep me calm and relax is music. As long as I can remember I had always sang when I was upset or nerves about something.

As I seat in the very back, I see Kanato watching my every move. I wave at him and smile slightly before looking at my music book, I feel a someone standing right next to me.

I look up and it's Kanato, he looks at me creepily and starts to speak, "Where were you at?", he ask as he tilts his head to the side.

"I was with the Mukami's house. Why do you ask?", I ask as I look back at my music book. I hear him growl at me and tear away my music book from my grasp.

I try to grab my book back from him but he backs up and places Teddy on the desk next to him. "WHY WERE YOU WITH THE MUKAMIS?!?!", he screams catching everyone's attention.

I try to reach my music book again but he pulls it away, "GIVE IT BACK!", I scream at him. He opens my music book with the cover's book in each hand.

As I try to reach it again he tears it into two, I stand there. I'm in shock, my eyes wide in anger, as I realize what he has done. I can feel my inner demon get angry at Kanato for ripping my music book, something I only had left of my mother.

I felt my world crumble as I felt my inner demon taking control of my body. As I look at Kanato, my vision goes all red then black, I can't see, fell, of hear anything. All I see is darkness, but then I fell myself grow cold then I felt myself holding something and my hand felt a burning sensation.

I release what I was holding and my vision comes back, I look around and notice the music room trashed. Kanato sitting on the ground with his hands on his neck and glaring at me, but with a hint of fear in his eyes.

I felt my demon trying to take control again, I bolt out of the class room and out the school. I ran into the forest that surrounded the school, and made sure I was far enough so they don't sense my blood or hear my heart beat.

As I start to slow down, I near a clearing with a rock in the middle with flowers surrounding it. I walk towards the huge rock and fall on it, my breathing going back to normal.

I close my eyes and rest for a while. As I lay on the rock, I can hear birds singing their song, the wind making the tree's leaves dance with it. It's so peaceful that I was falling asleep, then I heard a twig snap.

I sit up straight and look around for the sound, I try to listen to everything around me. I sense some thing in the forest, but I couldn't pin point where it exactly was.

I close my eyes for a second, and feel myself being pinned to the ground. I immediately open my eyes to look into a pair of....

Words: 862

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