Sakamaki brothers

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An irritated red haired boy was glaring at Yui. She trembled and managed to stutter out an apology but he wouldn't have it he started verbally abusing her. That didn't sit well with Hinata at all and he opens his mouth to protest-

"Ayato didn't I say you should take this kind of thing to your own room?", A dark haired glasses wearing man dressed formally appears in-front of them. Ayato turns his anger to him.

"Shut up Reiji you can't tell me what to do." The other man's eyes darken at that and his glasses flash. He looks like the type who enjoys controls and order, Ayato just pissed him off. Reiji was ready retort until his eyes met Hinata.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Reiji looked on at him in annoyance. Like he was just a fly he could swat with his hand. Wow another one already? So much for hoping he was nice Hinata thought.

"You know it's considered rude to ask someone's name before introducing yourself." Hinata shot back. Reiji's eyes widened a fraction and he was left speechless. Ayato burst out laughing.

"I've never seen Reiji speechless before good going Onna!", Hinata's eyebrow twitches, did he just call me a woman?!

"For your information I'm a man not a woman." Hinata was angry, it was annoying how people mistook for a woman at times. Not only was his name feminine but so was his appearance. He might have a pretty face but he was all man. Ayato gaped at him and for a moment Hinata he was confused until he thought back to what Ayato said. Another one? Will I find all of them in this mansion? It'll give me more time to sleep. Now that I think about it I haven't slept since yesterday and it's nearing 8.

"Your..." the brothers said in unison. Hinata nods.

"Seems so, he yawns, "Hey do you guys happen to have a room I can sleep in? It was a long ride here and I'm dead on my feet."

"Wait a second your my is that possible?" Reiji said.

"No he's my soulmate. I'm not sharing with Reiji. No fucking way!", Ayato exclaimed.

"Tough luck then."


"I have seven soulmates."

"Ehhh?!", they gapped at the number.

"Hey what's going on? Keeping Bitch-San all to yourselves?", a red haired boy who looked a lot like Ayato came down the stairs in a fedora and smirk on his handsome face.

"Let me guess your one of mine?", Hinata asked. Suddenly he felt something wet against his neck. Someone was licking him. He shivered in disgust and pushed the person away. The culprit smirks, licking his lips, showing his fangs.

"You taste good. I'll have a lot of fun with you."
"I'll take that as a yes."

"Your all to noisy I'm trying to sleep." A blonde haired man appeared one eye still shut and messy bed hair. Lucky. I wish I could sleep right now.

"Soulmate or not doesn't matter to me. I'll have have fun with him."

"Hell no I'm sharing Onna with anyone else. He belongs to yours truly."

"Lame. I'm so sick of hearing you call yourself, yours truly." A white haired, red eyed boy came out also in a school uniform like the others. So they are all students, huh?

"I know that's you, Subaru!" Obviously he's standing right there.

"Well you guys look busy I'll just find a room myself." Hinata turned to leave.

"I'm guessing your the new sacrificial bride?" Hinata rolled his eyes.

"For the last time I am not a woman and what the hell is a sacrificial bride."

"Great he sent another one." Subaru said, his arms crossed, an irate expression on his face. I think it's safe to assume everyone I meet in this mansion is one of my soulmates.

"You should go. Your not safe here." He looked down to see Yui. He had forgotten she was there, seeing as how she had been quiet since Ayato's entrance. Her eyes held fear in them.

"Why is that?" He asked her.

"Yes bitch-San tell him why he's not safe." Laito said, A smirk playing on his lips. He was looking at Hinata like a meal just waiting to be eaten.

"The Sakamaki brothers...are vampires."

"I figured." He shrugs.

"What?" The boy's were shocked. Not only was the human not surprised but he looked unafraid.

"Yeah I mean, you guys do nothing to hide your fangs, your pale as hell and Subaru literally appeared out of nowhere."

"Sexy and smart I think I'm starting to fall in love." Laito said. I find that very hard to believe.

"Where is everyone?", Another shorter than the others, closer to Yui's height appeared. His eyes was a purple that matched his hair with dark bags like he didn't get enough sleep. He dressed in the same uniform, with a shoulder off and held a teddy bear who had an eyepatch. Kinda creepy but cute. Probably another soulmate too.

"Kanato." Yui said.

"Don't look at Mr.Teddy." Kanato glares at him. Possessive much? I just looked.

"Mr.Teddy must mean a lot to you." He said.

"He's mine. Don't look at him."

"Doesn't matter to me. I just want to sleep." Kanato stares curiously at him. Pushing back his hood, Hinata ran a hand through his black locks, not noticing the looks drawn to his action. His normally half mast eyes blink tiredly and he sighs.

"All seven of you here under one roof. This makes things much easier on me. Hey Yui?"


"Can you show me a room?"


"Thank you." A small smile appears on his face and they are all left breathless. As quick as it appeared it was gone. Strangely they wished to see it again. His smile was warm and solely for them.

"Wait a second we still have a lot to discuss regarding this soulmate matter. Who are you? And who sent you here?", Reiji said.

"Oh yeah my aunt sent me here after one of her dreams, saying my destiny was waiting for me. I'm pretty sure she was drunk when she said this but I decided to come anyway before she gambled away all her belongings. I'm Himura Hinata, 18, I'm it's nice to meet you all. Please take care of me."

"I'm Sakamaki Reiji and these are my brothers, Shu, the triplets, Laito, Ayato and Kanato. And you've already been introduced to our sacrificial bride, Komori Yui." Reiji said gesturing to each person as he said their names.

"So all of us are your soulmate?" Yui asked.

"Huh? bitch-San too?"

"That's right. Yui is one of my precious people now." He took her hand in his own. A burning feeling ate at the brothers. Jealousy.

"Only Yui?" Ayato said.

"All seven of you are my important people now. I'll do my best to be a good partner. " he said with a determined look in his eyes. The brothers looked at him in awe.

"That's true but I swear to god if I don't get a bed under me soon..." he trailed off.

"We already have a room prepared. We have classes tomorrow night. So be ready for that then." With that Hinata was shown to his room. He flopped on to his bed, without bothering to undress. He fell asleep before his head hit the pillow.

The next thing he felt were fangs.

I wonder who that is? I don't even know lol. Hope you liked this chap. Sorry some (or all) characters are Ooc I'm not kidding when I say I've seen 5 minutes of this anime.
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