You taste sweet

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Hinata instinctively grabbed hold of his assailant and sent them across the room. He heard a grunt and the groan that followed. All that happened before he could open his eyes. Blinking, his eyes trying to adjust to the dark room only lit by the moonlight. He leaned over and flicked on the lamp next to his alarm clock.

"I didn't think you'd be into rough play but I like a little pain."

"Is that you, Laito?" Hinata asked. The vampire rose and stalked to him.

"I was feeling hungry so I thought I'd try out the new blood. You smell sweet." He licks his lips, his green eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

"You came into my room, woke me up and disturbed my sleep cuz you were hungry?", his voice was low but deadly. It sent a shiver of fear and excitement down Laito's back. His heart rate quickens and he is trembling in anticipation. Hearing that threatening tone just turned him on.

"Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" He said taunting him. He wanted to see how far he could push him. What he would he do when he broke.

"Come here."


Hinata grabbed his hand and pulled him into bed with him. He pressed Laito close to his neck.

"I honestly don't have the energy right now, so feed and sleep here tonight." He yawns. Laito's eyes widen, he hadn't expected him to welcome him so easily. He expected a fight before he could taste his sweet blood but that clearly wasn't the case. He was happy to be getting the blood but he had hoped that the ravenette would fight back so he would have a little entertainment with his meal. I'll just enjoy this while it lasts. Just as he was about to sink his fangs into Hinata's neck, he suddenly felt Hinata's hand grip his hair.

"But know this...come morning you'll pay dearly. Goodnight." Hinata three one hand behind his neck and soon drifted off to sleep. Laito lay there gaping, thinking of his threat. Slowly a smirk appears on his face. For some reason I'm excited for tomorrow.

Then he sank his fangs into Hinata's neck. The first taste was like nothing he had ever had before. It was just as good as Yui's blood but in a different way. Where Yui's blood was sweet, Hinata's was rich with emotions. He could taste happiness, contentment, irritation, he smiled at the last one. As he drunk more he tasted something different and foreign. A long forgotten feeling buried deep inside him.


Sorry for not updating sooner I'm lazy AF so I take a while to do things. It would be great if one of you messaged me to update then I'd do something. I'll have another chapter later today or the middle of the night depends.
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