White Rose

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Hinata held his hand to his hammering heart. His head felt light and he felt kind of floaty like he was flying.  A dopey smile appears on his face and he sighs in content. 'Who would have thought, Subaru of all people.' He thought back to earlier that night.


"These are beautiful." He commented, admiring the white roses that seemed to glow under the moonlight, every petal like a pure white feather from an angel's wing. Subaru kept tending to his roses, not turning to face Hinata.

"Don't touch them." He said with a growl undertone. Hinata held his hands up, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Hey, I promise not to touch, just admiring the view." His gaze leisurely taking in Subaru. The albino turned bright red, stuttering his response.

"W-Whatever! what are you doing here?", he crossed his arms, head turned away from Hinata to hide his blushing cheeks. Chuckling, the ravenette watched the boy fiddle with his fingers, anything to distract him from his traitorous heart.

"You don't have to get all shy, angel. I just came to see how you were doing. What Ayato said was very hurtful-"

"But it's true. That's why your here isn't it? To tell me you can't be with someone like me? Someone so terrible, their own mother tried to kill him?" No longer the shy, blushing boy, his face was cold and guarded, as if anticipating those words of rejection.

Hinata couldn't describe it any other way then that it hurt.

Seeing his other this way, so unsure of his self worth that he expected the worse when one of his buried secrets came into light.

It hurt.

Knowing another half of his soul had brought upon this pain, had picked at a scar, baring the boy to his own dark thoughts. He only wished he could gather the other in his arms and reassure him non of that mattered, that he wanted Subaru no matter his past. That he wished to learn about the boy instead of judging him on his dark past that obviously left deep scars on the boy.

But he couldn't.

They weren't at that stage where he could casually initiate intimacy with him. He craved it, like he wished to breathe. But he had to wait. Get to know the boy and form a deeper bond, one that wasn't just "soulmates", one that solidified their souls to a greater degree. For now he could only speak and hope his words reached him.

"That's completely ridiculous. How shallow and mean spirited would I be to blame something like that on you. Know this, angel, you are not the one at fault. And I can't bear hearing your low self worth, when I know you are simply amazing. Your a sweetheart," Subaru scoffed at this, "You cane pretend but I can see right through you. Despite you rough exterior, your just hiding a big softie under all those savage words and cutting glares."

"You can't just say things like that. You don't know me." Subaru glared at his feet, unable to meet the kind blue eyes that made his heart skip.

"But I want to. If you'd let me." Hinata held out a hand. The white haired Sakamaki stared at his hand, disbelief written on his face. 'It was kind of cute.' Hinata thought. 'He's like a lost kitten.' Suddenly an image of Subaru in cute cate ears and a tail popped in his head. Hinata blushes at his own thoughts, thinking of the sounds he would make when petted him.

"Fine. But I-I have a request." He stutters out. A smile grows on Hinata face, amusement twinkling in his blue orbs.

"And what could that be, angel." He said, bringing himself closer to Subaru. He enjoyed the way Subaru squirmed.

"Can I- taste you?" He said this Hinata but he was staring at his feet. Hinata chuckled, cupping the other's chin and lifting it so the albino was facing him. He strokes his chin, watching in fascination as his pale complexion seeps into a lovely shade of red.

"You know," he stares into his red eyes, "you don't have to ask. It's yours to take."

"I-I know I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable...I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, I'm happy. Your really kind, angel. I'm lucky to have you." Bending slightly, the ravenette pressed a kiss to his forehead. He withdrew a moment later. Subaru's eyes were wide, his mouth slight gap.

"Meet me in my bedroom, I'll be waiting." With a wave, he exited the garden. Behind him Subaru suddenly curled in on himself, grasping the front of his shirt.

"Hinata..." he whispers.

All the while a certain someone was watching. Fixing their glasses, they turned away from the scene. They felt a burning sesnsation in their stomach, something they had grown familiar with over the last few weeks.

A click of his bedroom door, and someone entered. Smirking, Hinata spoke.

"Here so soon? I'd have thought you would wait a bit later. You must be really hungry."

"Yes I am. Is that offer open to me as well?" A dark, clipped voice said. Startled, Hinata whipped around to see Reiji with a displeased look on his face.


Oh shit Reiji looks pissed! Now what will Hinata do?

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