Is anyone really surprised?

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Meanwhile at the Sakamaki Manor....

"Where is he? I swear to god Ayato if you did something-

"What made you think I did something? It's more likely you scared him off with your so called sex appeal-

"Your just jealous you haven't had his blood yet." Laito smirked.

"When I pull your fangs out, you won't be able to either." Ayato bit out.

"Why am I related to you idiots." Reiji sighs heavily. Laito rolls his eyes.

"I ask myself that everyday."

And then Subaru joined in. Reiji withdrew, pulling out his phone. The others ignored him.

"Why don't you go back to punching walls it's the only thing your good at. Leave Hinata to yours truly."

"I know narcissistic is too big of a word for you. How about asshole, do you understand asshole?" He said slowly, like one would to a child.

"I get the concept of loving yourself is foreign but you don't have to attack me cuz you got mommy issues."

"Oh that's rich coming for you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"


"All of you shut up! None of this shit matters!" Kanato exclaimed. They looked down in shame. They had lost focus of their main goal.

"He's right." Shu spoke. Startled, the five of them turned to him. He had been silent the whole time. Thinking he was asleep, they didn't bother with him. Now they listened.

"Unlike the rest of you, I was actually doing something. One of the cams caught footage of Hinata and Yui being taken by two men. They shoved them into their van and rode off."

"Those bastards! I'll tear their throats out!" Laito exclaimed. The others agreed.

"They took Yui too?" Ayato thought aloud. For some reason it made the fire raging inside him burn stronger. It couldn't be because of her, right? No it's just Hinata. Even as he thought that, he knew it was a lie. He just didn't want to accept that he actually cared about her.

"But we still don't know where they are? How are we going to find them?" Subaru inquired. It was then that Reiji, who had been clicking away at his phone, spoke.

"Luckily for us, I planted a tracking chip on Hinata. Now we know exactly where he is."

"You planted a tracking device of Hinata?! The fuck?" Subaru exclaimed. It appeared he was the only one who had a problem with this, seeing as the others rolled with it.

"Nice going. There's hope for you yet." Laito said.

"I can't say I'm surprised." Ayato shrugs.

"Can I trade brothers?" Kanato said. Ayato and Laito shoot him a look. He responded by sticking out his tongue.

"Are you guys for real right now? No one is questioning how or why he planted a tracking device on Hinata?" Subaru looked at them like they were crazy.

"Oh my god, can you shut up? Why do you always make such big deals about things?" Ayato held his hand to head, like he was having a headache.

"You know what, fuck it. What do I really expect from you guys?" He sighs, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Good. Now we can leave." Kanato said.

"I called the car, let's go." Reiji said. With that they were off.


"Please you have to help me." Yui pleads, hanging onto Hinata's arm. He looks at her with no empathy.

"You chose this." He says. The photographer appears then.

"Oh there you are! For a moment I was starting to think you were avoiding me. Silly me." He giggles. They share a look. Never again. The photographer grabs them both, holding them close.

"Now let's start the next photo shoot." He said, too big a smile on his face.

"Hey get you hands off of him." Someone exclaimed. The trio turned to see six very good looking guys with pissed of expressions.

To be continued....
Poor Yui and Hina they got stuck photo shoot after photo shoot.
Unfortunately I had to cut this short. Next chapter the brothers meet the aunt and we finally learn her name! I'm so sorry this chapter is soooo bad I've had writers block for like 4 days.

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