How to treat a human

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She filled his thoughts, even when he didn't want her to. She had changed. The shy, weak prey was replaced with a sassy, human girl who drew his attention with every biting snap back. He enjoyed seeing her pink eyes light up and her sweet voice turn into a weapon. He wished desperately for her attention but she was stuck to Hinata at the hip and although he longed for him as much as her, he couldn't help the jealousy that crept into his heart when they exchanged words and touches. He wished he was the center of that gaze. And that he could feel her warm, supple body against his own.

Groaning at the image that gave him, Ayato made his way down the halls of the school. If only I could get her alone. He thought.

Suddenly, something hit him from behind and he heard a squeak before the person fell. Annoyed,he turned to yell at the idiot for hitting him. But when he saw who it was, the words died in his throat.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I'm so clumsy sometimes and I wasn't looking where I was going." She bent down to pick up his book bag and stood up to see who she bumped into.

"Ayato? I-I didn't think it was you! I'm sorry!" She said, staring nervously at her feet, too nervous to meet his eyes. Seeing this, Ayato got annoyed.

"Hey chichinashi! look at me when you talk to me." He demanded. She jumped. Slowly, she looked up to meet his gaze.

"Better, he nodded approvingly, "I'm feeling peckish, come with me." Grabbing her wrist, he lead her into the nearest empty classroom and pushed her against a wall. She squeezed her eyes shut, and waited for pain of the bite to come but after a few seconds nothing happened. Opening her eyes, she saw Ayato looming over her, with a strange look on his face. It was almost like disappointment.

"Well..? Aren't you gonna fight back?" He said.

"Well, considering the fact that every instance in which I showed an ounce of defiance always ended with me getting bitten anyway, I thought, hey! why not just get that shit over with so I can move on with my life?" The sarcasm wasn't lost on Ayato. In fact, it rather turned him on. Grinning, he grasped her hands over her head.

"Now that's what I'm talking about. Give me more, chichinashi, don't ever stop entertaining me." He brushed her hair aside to reveal her slender neck. He greedily breathed in here scent, taking in the sweet smell of strawberries and blood. He nuzzled her neck, making her shiver at the contact. His aches to sink his fangs into her, to feel the rush of sweet blood, in his mouth and feel the power that came from it.

She struggled against his hold but he wouldn't budge. No matter how much she resisted, he was too strong for her. He watched, amused at her struggles to escape.

"I am NOT some toy you can play with at your convenience, Ayato. I'm a human being!" She exclaimed.

"And I'm treating you like one. How many times do I have to say it? Your nothing but a blood bag, Yui. You know exactly how things go between us, so why do you always fight?" He looked genuinely perplexed. Yui could almost laugh at how adorably  lost he looked if he wasn't pinning her against a wall.

"Because..."  she trailed off. He leaned in closer, curiosity gleamed in his great eyes.


"I refuse to surrender to a bully like you!" She yelled before bringing her knee up and hitting him where the sun didn't shine. He grunted in pain and lost his grip on her. Taking the opportunity, Yui ducked under his arm and sped out the classroom as fast as she could. She ran and ran until she reached the girls bathroom on the first floor. She collapsed from exhaustion in one of the bathroom stalls. It was only when she settled her breathing that she realized,

he hadn't run after her at all.

Been a minute I know but this chap I wanted continue on the Yui & Ayato thing there's is kind of a slow burn. Bear with me please.

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