[8] Beautiful Nightmares ~ Avan Jogia

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[8] Beautiful Nightmares
Featuring Avan Jogia

"{your name}" His smooth voice yelled from the other end of the room. Her head quickly popped up at the sound, shocked that he was in the same vicinity as her.

"Hey Avan." She said with a small smile as she watched the man in front of her. His slightly tanned skin covered his more toned body as his thick black hair was in a small pony in the back of his head. She sighed at the master piece in front of her, one that she was, probably still is, madly in love with.

"Hey I just noticed that you were here and I want to say hi." He said with a shrug as he sat in the empty seat that was next to her. {your name}'s anxiety started to rise, not knowing what would be the outcome of this situation.

"Oh I'm just here at the bookstore reading books as always." She said with a slight sarcastic tone. He knew she was going to be here, as this was the place she spent all of her past time.

"Yeah That's true." He said with a small chuckle. His hands rubbed the back of his neck as an awkward silence filled between the two. She quickly opened back her book, trying to distract her thoughts by using the intriguing plot that had her attention for most of the day.!

Avan let out a small sigh as he shook his head. This was harder than he thought it would've been. He just wanted to reconcile, but he knew that it wasn't going to happen this easy.

"Hey um do you remember that last day that we hung out?" He randomly asked, as he stared at her. {your name} let out a small scoff as she continued to look at her book.

Of course I remember the night we made love all over your room.

"Mhhm. The same day that you promised when you returned home from break that we'll spend most of it together or how that you would finally make me your." {your name} said with a blank tone.

"{your name}-"

"No. Let me finish. I called you and messaged you as much as I could and all of a sudden my messages went unanswered. I didn't even know you were home until my mother told me Avan. So please if you're trying to fix something you're two months too late." She said with a huff as she wiped her hands over a face.

"Just leave me alone so we can both move on from this please."

"I can't." He said with a deep sigh.

"And the fuck not." She asked as she cocked her head to side. {your name} wanted to laugh at the audacity of the man in front of her.

"Because I love you {your name} and I know I fucked up but I really want to amend this relationship." He said as he stared into her eyes.

"There is nothing to fix Avan. This whole friendship has been broken to the point where it needs to be thrown away. It's time for our path to move from one another and as much as it hurts me, staying together is going to be toxic for the both of us." She said as she rubbed her temples lightly.

Avan continued to stare at the gorgeous woman in front of her. He was in a trance by her speaking. The way her face contracts when she say certain words, the way her lips move as she annunciate, it just put him in another world, one that he has lost the opportunity to be a part of.

He was so in trance by her beauty that his body involuntarily moved closer to her, pressing his lips against her soft, plump ones.

"What the fuck Avan." She softly screeched as she pulled away after her mind told her what was really happening.


"Urrrrgh." {your name} groaned into her pillow as she woke up from another dream. She was annoyed at the fact that he kept plaguing her mind. She was over him, at least trying to be over him. However he found away to sneak back into her thoughts, sending her off edge.

She quickly picked up her phone from her nightstand and called her best friend who was usually up at 5.

"Wassap babes." The soft angelic voice of her friend greeted her.

"I had another dream about him. I can't keep up with this." {your name} said with an annoyed tone.

"Maybe you need closure." Her friend said in a simple tone.

"But I don't want to see his face ever again," {your name} said angrily. "He broke my heart like I'm one his side bitches."

"Girl if you don't." Her friend said with a small giggle. "But honestly babes, I think you two need to talk it out, let the emotions out and then move on. This is someone that you loved and you're going to continue to have those beautiful nightmares if you don't hash it out."

Good Morning Guys. I hope you have a wonderful day today.

I've been trying to right an sexual imagine for the longest time but my feelings are getting in the way, so here is another feels one.

I have a list of guys that I'm currently writing about, so feel free to drop some more names. As you can see they don't only have to be black, they also don't have to be male 🤷🏾‍♀️

If you haven't as yet, check out the Newlywed Game and read my book BAM.

Yeah that's all for now. Have a wonderful day once again. One Love
Kam 🖤

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