[26] Cute

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"I just, I just don't feel...you know." {your name} said with a shrug. Jacob rolled his eyes at his friend for over ten years as he sat next to her.

"Don't feel like what pookie?" He asked, calling her by her childhood nickname. {your name} threw her head back in frustration as she tried to keep her tears in. She found it amusing and annoying that someone as grown as her still dealing with insecurities she deem as dumb.

"I just don't feel cute. Like I never really did growing up. There are sometimes when I dress up a little I be like okay but most times I just feel like a bloated potato." She said with a shrug. "And like I'm cool with that most times but today, today it hurts."

"First of all {your name}, you are beautiful as fuck. And you know you look good because I don't befriend ugly people." Jacob said with a chuckle.

"Nuh uh. That ain't true. Remember when you was rolling everywhere with TayTay gremlin ass from down the block?" {your name} asked with an amused look. Jacob laughed to himself as he scratched the back of his head.

"Truee, but that's not the point. The point is {your name} you always look good, so why are these insecurities popping up?"

"My love life, or well lack of such." She said with a sigh.

"I thought you wanted to be miss independent, don't need no one?" He asked with a raised brow.

"I mean, yeah I am successful all across the board and be traveling and shit, but being alone is getting ass." She said with a sigh. "And it's not like I want, want a relationship, I can't even get a basic fuck buddy. Like sure toys work or whatever but I felt like I've watched every video on every porn site."

"One, tmi.... two, I don't want to say that you're a liar but, don't your DMs be popping?"

"Usually with creeps and pervs Jacob. And now they aren't even there." She sighed. "You know what, it's dumb that I feel this way. I'm over it now."

"It's not dumb {your name}, humans need physical contact. You are just craving it. That's all. One day you are going to find your person and you'll be aight."


This might or might not be me expressing my current feelings right now 🙃. Anyways how was it?

What are your thoughts on relationships and flings and attraction etc.?

I'm going to try post a next part of the DIGGY and Josh imagines soon, I think I'm in a sort of groove but I also need to start my two big papers and catch up on my English journals. Meh the semester is almost over.

Anyways, back to being sad.
I love you guys
Kam 🖤

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