[11] Return ~ Diggy Simmons

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[11] Return
Featuring Diggy Simmons
Technique: Random prompt
Inspired by: redcocaine_ Genesis (should check it out)

{your name}'s eyes fluttered opened as she felt the cool metal against her warm skin. As her eyes adjusted to the little light that entered the room, her body froze as fear finally settled in.

Flight, was the only feeling she was experiencing at the this moment. She wanted out of the place that was unknown to her, wishing she was home under the comfort of her fiancé.

"Don't try to move. You will end up in some serious pain." A deep, male voice echoed through the room. {your name} looked around her, realizing that her arms were chained to the metal slap that she was laying on.

"Umm." She timidly called out before clearing her parched throat. "Where am I?" The same voice let out a sultry chuckle as the heels of his shoes clicked against the floors. A loud flick went through the empty room as bright lights quickly blurred her vision. As her eyes finally adjusted, the owner of the voice stood in front of her.

She observed him and his attire as he wore a simple light blue button down shirt and pair of black slacks, accompanied by a white lab coat. While she appreciate how beautiful he carried the simple style, his facial features triggered an intense process as she tried to remember the man in front of her. His soft pink lips were recognizable, but the thin mustache that graced it wasn't. Along the trimmed beard under his chin, her brain was confusing one face with another. It's when she looked at his eyes, noticing the left was droopier than the right, a light bulb went off. As her lips turned into an annoyed smirk, His brown eyes, were cold and lifeless as he stared at the woman in front of him.

"You have no idea who I am, do you?" He simply stated. {your name} let out a small chuckle as she licked her dried lips.

"Why am I here Daniel?" She questioned as she gave him the same look. A small smirk appeared on his face as he fixed his lab coat.

"So you do remember me {your name}, after all these years." {your name} rolled her eyes at his cocky demeanor as she let out a deep sigh.

"Can you let me go, so I can live my normal life in peace?" She asked with a raised brow.

"No can't do." He said as he walked around the room. "You have to be tested first and then boss would make his decision based on the results."

"I didn't agree to this shit though." She yelled with a huff. "I don't want to be a part of this again Daniel."

"I'm just following orders {your name}" he snapped back as he looked up from the table with the equipment. "If it was up to me, I wouldn't want you near our lowest recruit. Traitor."

{your name} let out a dry chuckle as she shook her head. She couldn't believe after four years, he still held in a stupid grudge against her.

"How am I a traitor if I'm the one who saved your life Daniel? We all know if I wasn't there at that moment, you would've been dead." She said with a sly smirk on her face.

"That still doesn't give you the right to just get up and leave and date the enemies son." He said angrily. She smiled to herself as his brown eyes turned into a dark purple, as his anger slowly took over his body.

"The son doesn't even know his dad exists Daniel. Plus I fell in love without knowing who is was."

"Still {your Name}." He yelled.

"You made this entire organization vulnerable and as a member of this society you have to fix the damages that you caused."

"What damages?" She asked with a worried tone. He let out a sigh as he shook his head at her.

"Oh now you care?" He asked sarcastically as he cocked his head to the side. "I thought you wanted out and some other bull shit."

"Just tell me Daniel and stop being a petty bitch." She demanded with an eye roll.

"Whatever." He mumbled, as he tried not to call her out by her name. "When it was known that your pathetic excuse for a man is Kion's offspring, word reached to Kion's office and he has been threatening our members ever since, to a point where he has been kidnapping our top recruits such as Lisa and Jordan."


"That's all you have to say? Your selfish ass went out to live your best life and cause the people that had your back since you were 12 to be kidnapped and God knows what else and all you have to say is Oh?" He exclaimed angrily at the woman in front of him.

"What else am I supposed to say?" She asked in frustration.

"I don't know, how about yes, you guys don't have to force me to fix the shit that I've fucked" He mocked her.

"One I don't sound like that. And two why the hell would I fix it. It's not my fault the security has become a disgrace." She yelled at him.

"Yes it is {your name}. You are the fucking protector. That's what your powers are about. You are the best one ever in the entire existence of our species and society and you, you have the nerves to say that it isn't your fault?" He said with a disappointed tone. He was met with silence as tears ran down {your Name}'s face.

She was at yet another crossroad and didn't know what she had to do. The room went completely silent as he moved around to finish preparing for her check up, to see how her powers developed over the last four years.

"Look. I'll do it under one condition." She finally said.

"What's that?" He asked as he squinted his eyes at her.

"You'll be my partner."

Should I make this a small series or not?

Your thoughts on this?

One Love

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