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The wolf's eyes flicked up to mine in an instant, two glowing orbs of brown littered with gold specks, staring back at me.

He leaned forward, bending over, his snout nearly digging into the ground along with his paws as he let out threatening growls, snarling at me.

"Don't-Don't be afraid," I swallowed the lump in my throat, inching myself closer to the wolf, my hand shaky as I pushed forward, reaching out to him.

He looked back up, his growls nearly stopping, getting quieter, lower, as I got closer. "To-To clarify, I was talking to m-myself."

He tilted his head to the side, easing himself away from the ground and standing up straighter than he was.

"Please, don't a-attack me," I asked politely, pushing my hand closer to his face, just above his snout.

I flinched, jumping back by a tiny bit when his head suddenly hit my hand. He growled, a warning, I put my hand back to where it was, and he gently pushed against it again.

"Good-Good boy," I whispered but regretted it as soon as it left my trembling lips.

Can I say that? I asked myself, is that weird? I mean they're not exactly dogs.

A snort escaped him, maybe I shouldn't have called him that.

He continued rubbing his head against my hand, I ran my fingers through his tough, knotted, dark fur. On a whim, I started scratching behind his ears which made him stick out his tongue on command, I let out a small giggle.

"I've never met a werewolf before," I admitted, watching as his back leg shook, "but I'm starting to think that maybe they're all just like big dogs."

He shook his head, throwing my hand off of him before he stood up to his full height, almost towering over me in wolf form and it made me think how tall he really was, in human form that is. He moved to be behind me and right away I felt something cold on the back of my arm.

"What the-" I spoke, looking over my shoulder to see him shoving me with his nose, "What are you doing?"

This time he pushed me harder and differently, he shoved his body into the back of my legs, it made me fall forward in surprise and I nearly smacked my face against the ground but before any damage could happen, he sunk his teeth into my dress and pulled me back up.

I tumbled forward as soon as he let go, gasping as I moved away from him. "What are you trying to do?"

He jogged forward, shooting a look of guilt my way before moving past me as he started following the path, the same one I came in on.

When he noticed I wasn't moving, he looked back and shook his head. He made a small bark like noise and continued jogging.

I rushed to catch up to him, to walk beside him and once I did he playfully bumped into my side, sticking his tongue out when I looked down at him.

I stuck mine out at him, his eyes widened before he let out another snort.

I'm starting to think he's making fun of me.

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