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"What do I do?" I whispered to Flynn who was standing next to me, he smiled down at me as he pushed me forward.

"Well, I'd start off with something simple," he teased, "like a hello."

"Flynn, this is serious," I groaned and added even more pressure to the floor, digging the heels of my shoes into the hard wooden entryway.

"I'd love to tell you that we could easily escape this and just go back upstairs, but, you see, werewolves have greater senses than humans do so basically everyone in that room-" Flynn smirked as he nodded towards the room, "-already knows you're here," he shrugged and moved past me, pulling me behind him like I was a small child.

"Flynn!" I hissed as I got thrown forward, straight into the room, my eyes instantly searching the room to see many of his pack members, his friends, his fellow werewolves, standing around in just one of the packs many living areas.

"Say something," Flynn whispered in my ear as we both stood in front of them all, he was definitely enjoying this more than I was.

"Uh, hi," I squeaked and gave a weak wave which made me receive nothing but smiles mixed with a few soft greetings. All of them going back to normal as they continued their conversations with each other.

I let out a breath of air. Phew!

"She's so cute!" Someone practically screamed from the back of the crowd, I saw everyone shift to let someone through. A woman popped out from the crowd, her dark hair puffy as it swam around in the air.

She's getting awfully clo-oof!

Her body came barrelling into mine with her arms wide open and when she got close enough she wrapped her arms around me in a locked embrace as she squealed at my delicate touch. "Oh, and she's so small!"

She held me up as she squeezed me tightly, nearly taking all the air out of my lungs and pressed her own face against mine, sighing contently.

"What a cute little human," she cooed.

"Um," I whispered against her and gave a small pat to her lower back, that was the highest I could reach, "hello."

"Aw, your voice is so adorable," she awed again, letting go of me to only move me to arms length where she continued to look me up and down. "She looks like a tiny pup."

"Yes-" Flynn moved to be behind me, pulling me into his chest gently as he grinned at the woman, "-but her bones are easier to break, Rhea, and you don't exactly have the reputation of being gentle."

"Right," Rhea, the woman agreed with a nod, "but, she's so adorable and I just can't resist." She started pinching my already rosy cheeks, smiling at me as her chocolate eyes twinkled with nothing but excitement.

"Come on, Rhea-" Flynn smacked her hand away, "-behave, man, we're trying to be civilized here."

"I am being civilized," Rhea argued and threw her hands back to prove her point but just ended up accidentally punching someone right in the face. "Oh!" She turned quickly to help him as the man tilted his head back, blood visibly dripping down, "Are you okay?"

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