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twenty three

I was currently curled up into a ball in the middle of the bed with Kaius sitting next to me, his hand rubbing up and down my back in a soothing gesture as he begged me to tell him what was wrong. To him, it probably felt as though he was comforting a small child, one that was a brat in his eyes considering how all I did was continued to choke out sentences of, "Get away fro-from me, you be-beast."

"Amoret, the annoyance in me is growing at your lack of speech," Kaius spoke in an irritated growl, his movements that were once comforting were beginning to turn into a rough pressure. "Also, continuing to call me a beast is starting to get on my nerves."

"That's what you-you are," I cried harder, gasping for breath as I sat up and gave him my best intimidating face, "you-you're a beast! A good-good for nothing m-monster!"

Mama is right! Mama is always right!

All he did was stare at me, looking completely unfazed at my small outburst. However, to be fair, Mama always did tell me I looked terrible when I cried and I doubt that would help my case in being scary.

I should have listened to Mama, I thought and cried harder.

He was probably looking at me as my nose was red and running, watching as I rubbed at my nose with the sleeve of my dress. My eyes red and irritated as the tears kept coming with no sign of them stopping. Then, my lips that were puffy and just a tad darker shade of pink than they were usually as they quivered violently, sucking in breaths and sending out stuttered words that made sense in my mind.

God, what a mess!

"I don't understand," he spoke, calm as he moved away from me to sit on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. It didn't even seem like he was talking to me anymore as he started mumbling words to himself, "Axel said that you seemed fine around werewolves, so why is it that you just hate me?" He groaned and pulled at his hair, "Goddess, look at me, wondering why my mate doesn't like me. The bigger question is why she's human."

I sniffled as I leaned closer, an odd pull telling me to comfort him just like he was doing to me seconds before.

Pushing forward, I threw myself on top of him. I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck and pressed my warm body flat against his back, my legs sneaked around his waist as I rested my head against his shoulder.

I found myself easing into his touch, soaking in the comfort that my embrace gave as he did the same. His head lifting up to press his cheek against mine in what I would explain as loving, something gentle and sweet. His hands came up to hold onto my thin arms and the simple touch made me close my eyes.

As I started to fall to the side, I let out a yelp when suddenly he was pulling me over him and straight into his lap. I opened my eyes to see him looking down at me, his face closer than I expected. "Nice trick, huh?"

I sunk into his arms as I giggled, his face moving into the crook of my neck as he sighed. We stayed like that for a little while, my arms holding onto his upper arms.

How can he be comfortable? I asked myself, leaning over me like that.

I let out a contented sigh of my own, embracing the tender moment between us. But, oh, of course, she just had to ruin it again.

"I can't believe I raised a beast lover."

Her voice caused me to whimper, making Kaius pull away to look down at me again. "What's wrong?"

"You," I whispered and leaned into his hand as he caressed the side of my face.

"What's so bad about me?" He questioned.

"It's all of you," I admitted and looked away from him, watching the closed door, "You, Flynn, Luna Rose and even Jordan! You're ruining things for me. I can't even go home."

"Your home is here-" I looked up to see Kaius furrowing his eyebrows, "-did you not know that?"

"You must be mistaken, this isn't my home," I corrected him and tried to get up, but he wasn't having it, he pulled me straight back into his lap. "I'm serious, I don't live here."

He shushed me and watched as I squirmed in his hold, but after he finally got tired of trying to keep me there, he let me go with a sigh.

I jumped up from his lap and patted down my dress. Clearing my throat, "Besides, I should get back home before Mama decides to stay mad at me forever."


I stuck my finger in the air, "No, I must go at once."

I watched as he stood up, towering over me just like the rest of them but as I looked up at his face I noticed the way something seemed to follow him, an aura, that the other's didn't quite have. Power, maybe? Even Luna Rose didn't give off that feel of control.

My eyes caught onto the healed scar running down the side of his face, that must be it. The scar makes him look scary.

"Well-" Kaius looked behind me and straight out the window where he saw the sunset, "-I'm sure you'll change your mind after tonight."

"Oh, what?" I said confused, "What do you mean by that? I'm sure I won't change my mind so easily, especially not when Mama wants me home."

Frowning as I tried my best to ignore the scowl on his face, he spoke, "Tonight is The Celebration of the Wolves, and it's starting soon. I'll send Faith in to help you prepare."

"What-" my face fell, "-you must be wrong. The party isn't supposed to start so soon. I-I had time."

"You slept a while," Kaius shrugged and began walking away from me, his hand reaching for the door.

I chased after him, practically jumping up to grab a hold on him, both of my hands wrapping around his giant arm as he looked down at me with, surprisingly, a small smile.

"You must be lying to me," I spoke and pulled as hard as I could, but his body didn't budge, not even by an inch.

"I got the address changed to here, just for you," he told me. "Now, I'll send Faith in," and with his last parting words, he pushed me off of him and closed the door as he left.

How long did I sleep?

W O R D  C O U N T : 1165

Part one of my binge write!

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Part one of my binge write!

I never thought I would do one of these, to be honest.

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