Chapter 4

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🌸 Lyle

I picked Arthur up from Nile lap. I started walking to the stairs. As we go down the Hall the maids moved out the way to the side. Arthur slowly stated to wake, I stopped moving I don't want him to wake up then have to snap his neck so he will die then complete the vampire transformation. I don't want to snap his neck because it will hurt me too much.

So we decided that he will die from his illness. Sence he's sleeping he won't feel it. Hopefully it dose not get hurt. As little as I know him I can tell he's a selfless person that likes to help. I know this because he is now our newborn.

He will have red eyes for 14 human years so when he turns 18 in human years he will get his eye colors back. Once I know he's asleep I start moving to our room. Me and Nile share a room.

I want Arthur close to us that is when he transforms. The pain will not be as bad when your mates are by them as they transform. Like I said before hopefully he will stay asleep I know that won't happen tho sadly.

Nile opens the dark old oak door for us. I walk in and set Arthur on the red and black bed. I put him under the duvet. I look over to see Nile reading a red book. I sit on the couch and watch the fire dance in the fire pit. I pat next to me. He came over and sat by me with his book in his hand one finger holding on the too the page where he left off.

"Are you ok with him going to his family he might hurt one of them." I said looking at the fire. "he loves his family as long as they feed him at the times we told them then they will be fine. We have a week to train him and give him rules that he must follow."

"Are you sure you want to punish him that WAY. It seems a little harsh." he said still looking at his book. "With out punishment he will think it's ok to do this and that plus he's going to live with humans. We have to be harsh on him."

I feel a little pain in my heart I felt like some one poked me with a pin. We both look over at Arthur to see he's not breathing. "Its done." Nile nodded. It will take a little bit for the vampire blood to kick in. Nile turned back to his book but I get up to give to the side of the bed.

I close my eyes and try listen to his heart beat that one heartbeat is all I need to know if it will start so I can help him. Most people no all people say that I'm cold hearted. But that's not all the way true I care about someone like Arthur.


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