Chapter 7

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🌸 Arthur

I slowly walk from my sleep I push the coffin top off and slowly rise. I get up and look around the room to see the two coffins with there lids up. I walk out the big door it was hard reaching the door knob but I got it! I skip down the hall way. As I skip I got grab and picked up.

I look to see someone in sliver looking at me with a funny face. I poke his face to make him smile but he didn't, so I put my fingers on the corners of his mouth and pushed up so he would smile. I started giggling because of the face he made. "I don't know how you got in here but it's time to leave."

I cock my head to the left what dose he mean? Leave but I'm not allowed to leave at least I don't think I can? I want to go see outside! I nod to him he put me down and holds my hand. I swing are arms back and forth then I started skipping!

My little tummy is telling me I'm hungry, but I'm fine right now we got to the gate and he let go and said "Go back to your parents I'm sure there worry sick!" I just nod. I don't have any but ok.

I start walking down the gravel road. Lots of people where out and about. Some looked at me weird. And some did not even pay me any attention. I hear kids playing and laughing. I walk more down the road to see a park of some sort.

There was a big thing that kids slid down and a thing were one kid in the air and another on the ground then the kid on the ground would push his legs and the kid in the air came to the ground and the kid on the ground went in the air!

I taped on a kids shoulder and asked what those things are and he said it was a slide and a seesaw. He pointed to each. I go over to the slide and wait for my turn. After the kid in front of me went I claimed the little bar latter and go up I put my feet in front of me and pushed on the little walls to go down.

I little rush came through my body as I go down I put my hands up I saw others doing this. As soon as it started it left. I get up and go again! I keep going in tell hunger hit me. I stop and walk to that smell it just smells so good.

As I get closer to the smell I felt little pokes in my mouth. I bring my finger to my mouth to see what that poking thing is. I rubbed my finger on my teeth I pulled it out quickly because I cut my finger. I look down to see dark red blood coming down my finger. It was memorizing the blood going slowly down my finger to the ground.

I was suddenly brought back when someone tapped me in the shoulder. I looked around to see two confused boys looking at me. "Arthur what are you doing here." The raven haired boy asked. I looked at him confused how does he know my name. "I'm sorry but who are you ?" I asked him.

His green eyes widened from what I said. "It's me your brother! William!" The boy said. The other boy grabbed him and said "Maybe it's not Arthur." I cock my head "No, I'm Arthur and who are you?"

The pain hit me again. This time it hurt really bad. I fall to the ground. I snap my head to William I can feel my teeth come out I inch my way over to him. "Arthur are you ok?" I grab him by the shoulder. I was about to sink my teeth in his skin, but a loud noise snapped me out of it.

"What is that!" I yell over the noise. "It's the alarm we have to go on lockdown." I cock my head "It means something bad happened." He said rolling his eyes. "Come on we have to go to the castle." His friend said. "Do we have to? I don't want to go back!" I said. He grabbed my upper arm and started pull me back to the castle. "What dose the alarm mean?"

"Well sense it went one time it means a kid is lost or kidnapped. If the kid dose not show up at the castle it means he's kidnapped." We started walking to the castle.

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