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Minhae's POV

It was another morning. I got ready and started eating my breakfast and washed the utnsils that I used, afterwards. I went outside the house and waited for a few minutes.

Not long after, a black car approached in front of me. Someone opened it and Jungkook reached his hand to me. I held his hand and entered the van. He smiled at me. Everytime  I am with him I want to see his relaxing smile.

We arrived at school, walking to the classroom holding hands. I want to hold his soft hands. I am afraid to tell him about my condition, he might get worried or worse he might leave me.

All of us arrived  at the classroom, laughing smiling and talking. We entered the room and seated at our proper seats. We did not mind talking to each other since the teacher was already in.

Every break me and Jungkook always go to the rooftop. First subject ended and it was break time. I told Jungkook to go there first because I needed to use the restroom. I used one cubicle and after using it I washed my hands.

I then went to the rooftop and was shocked to see something unexpected. Jungkook was making out with a girl. It made my heart break into million pieces. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I never expected him to do this to me. I tought he changed into a different person for good but he was still that play oy everyone knows. He told me he loved me, I tought it was true love. He just pretended to love. He should have told me that he doesn't love me so I should have left him earlier so I wouldn't get hurt like this and fell for him even more.

I ran away from him as fast as I can but it was no use, he still catched me. He grabbed me gently but I felt disgusted and let go of his hand immediately.

"Minhae let me explain" he said in the urge of crying." You don't have to explain, I know you don't love me  you just pretended and used me all this time."No its not what you think it is, please let me-" before he could even finish I told him, "No need for your explanations, Jungkook, I forgive you but you should regret what  you did to me, you hurt me, you're making me cry too much, this is not good for my condition" I barely said starting to breathe unevenly. I left him and cried. He just stood there hopeless not knowing what to do next.

Jungkook's POV

I went to the rooftop because Minhae told me to go there first. When I arrived at the rooftop, there was a figure of a girl, it was not Minhae it was Mikhaela?

I walked towards her and she faced me wearing the evilest smirk she ever had. She grabbed my collar and started kissing me. I pushed her harshly and she looked at me." If you don't,  then I'm gonna go to her and do my plan right now" she said, she was about to go when I gripped her wrist." I already told you a lot of times to never lay a finger on her, isn't that hard to ask for?" I said. "Yes it is, it is hard, if you don't want me to hurt her then just  make out with me" she stated. " You know that she's my girlfriend I can't cheat on her" I groaned in anger.

"Watch me as I hurt her, Jungkook" she said angrily. She was about to go when I stopped her and forcefully kissed her not passionately but angrily. I was about to stop but she keeps on pulling me close to her not wanting to stop. She caressed my cheeks and palmed my chest, it was annoying but this was for Minhae's safety.

I noticed someone from the stairs. I was shocked when I saw Minhae crying, she ran away and I chased her. Luckily I caught her. I tried explaining everything to her but it was no use, she kept on saying that she doesn't need my explanation. Her last words made me frozen, I didn't know what to do. She walked away from me crying so hard. I can't do anything now because I know she doesn't want to see me anymore.

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