⋆ twenty-one ⋆

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Taehyung raised his glass, preparing his toast as everyone raised their glasses as well.

"To us going to triple dates, having triple engagements, and doing a triple wedding!"

They went silent, no one wanting to repeat the boy's words. Taehyung glared at them murderously and everyone chorused despite their reluctant voices, "To us going to triple dates, having triple engagements, and doing a triple wedding!"

Jungkook catcalled, fully supporting his boyfriend as they all laughed. A few of the patrons in the restaurant turned to look at them curiously since they were the only loud group inside.

"Are you really sure it's a good idea to celebrate your 3rd Anniversary here?" Namjoon asked, sipping on his iced tea after the atmosphere calmed down.

Jimin shrugged and smiled cheekily. The action was so cute that Yoongi couldn't help reaching out and grabbing his boyfriend's small hands. "Yeah. This place made me see the truth. If it were not for us coming here, I could've not realized sooner that I don't just want Yoongles' hot body, but also his heart."

"But you do know that waitress is still working here, right?" Jin was the one to ask this time.

"Well, yeah. Of course, I do. In fact, I saw her when we entered."

Taehyung gasped. "Wait, is that why you french-kissed Yoongi-hyung in front of everyone the moment we stepped in?"

Yoongi did remember that and now it made sense. So that was why Jimin pulled him suddenly and kissed him so passionately he almost forgot that there were people around them. It was so Jimin to prove his point in a sassy manner and become all possessive even though it had been three years and the waitress clearly did not remember him anymore or that she even tried to flirt with him before.

The only answer Taehyung received was a silence and a smug grin from Jimin who leaned his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

There was a sigh from Namjoon and when Yoongi turned, he found the man staring at him and Jimin in mixed fondness and disbelief. The man looked like he had discovered the cure for cancer, which Yoongi wouldn't really disagree because Jimin's smile might just be the cure for any grave illness.

"I never would've imagined that Yoongi would be into public display of affection. Never. Not even in my dreams or nightmares," the aforementioned boy remarked, making the rest of them laugh except for Yoongi who had a scowl on his face. Just when he thought Namjoon would say something nice.

"He isn't!" Jimin said cheerfully. "He just lets me get away with anything."

Ah, facts. Pure and unadulterated facts.

"Well, I never imagined Yoongi would find love all together so I imagine I was the most shocked." It was Jin. Yoongi didn't even want to bother asking him why so.

The rest of their orders finally came and it looked like a feast. They definitely stuck like a sore thumb in the small restaurant, but they didn't really care, neither the staff since they were giving them huge income.

Different dishes were laid out in front of them, some were Yoongi's and Jimin's favorite since it's their anniversary, and most were Taehyung's. Because he's Yoongi's brother and Jimin's best friend and they both love him to the moon and back. They even let him order for them.

Now though, everyone had a subtle confused look as more and more dishes were placed on the table. Lamb skewers, bulgogi, japchae, samgyupsal...and a bunch of potato dishes. When Yoongi said a bunch, he meant it quite literally. There's potato salad, mashed potatoes, roasted potatoes, a towering plate of fries, and-

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