⋆ fifteen ⋆

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Things only gotten worse after that. Yoongi wouldn't sit beside him or go near him whenever they had their movie nights at Jin's. His replies to his texts were also next to nothing. He never called or asked Jimin out before, and when Jimin would get to see him, his smiles were not as genuine.

Jimin did his best to understand what's happening but all he could see was Yoongi didn't want to have 'anything' to do with him anymore. He suddenly changed. He no longer had that sweet smile when they're together and he would not invite Jimin over.

He was not even sure if Yoongi still wanted to be friends with him, which just frustrated Jimin even more.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye and now those intimate moments they had seemed like a dream that never happened. Even their friends had noticed the change but they didn't dare speak about it out loud. It really felt weird, now that Yoongi was trying to avoid him. Jimin would prefer their previous animosity than having this stupid silence.

Jimin tried, he really did. Talking to him, asking him what's wrong, trying to be alone with him. None of them worked, especially if the other person was very much unwilling to fix whatever it was that caused the problem. Or maybe Yoongi just decided he didn't want Jimin anymore.

"That's ridiculous and we both know that," Jungkook said after Jimin narrated his thoughts.

Jimin only glared at him. "What's ridiculous?"

"Yoongi-hyung deciding that he didn't want you anymore. You're the player in here hyung, not him."

Jimin huffed, not agreeing to every word the younger boy said. "You make it look like I'm such an asshole. Everyone deserves to be loved and everyone gets hurt, no matter how hot or cute a person is."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he scooped more ice cream. He was silent for awhile. Jimin never told anyone, or confirmed to anyone, about his 'relationship' with Yoongi until now. He expected the younger to be shocked, or to scold him for fooling around with his boyfriend's brother. He certainly did not expect the other boy to be calm, and even mature, about the situation.

"So you mean to say you are hurt?"

That made Jimin freeze, his own spoon hanging in the air as he was supposed to feed himself with ice cream. He blinked.

"O-Of course not! I... No, I don't feel that way. I'm Park Jimin. I don't get freaking hurt."

He suffered another judgmental stare from Jungkook. "Okay, then what are you feeling right now?"

Jimin pursed his lips. He looked away, unable to take Jungkook's intense gaze anymore.

"I..." he sighed and rubbed his temples, because heck, this was stressing him out. "I'm mad. I'm angry. I wanted some explanation of what's going on. He can't just suddenly show up and decide to ignore me without explaining! I don't even do that! I always talk to the person I'm dating when I've decided that it's time to stop. What he's doing... It's as good as disappearing and I'm not having any of this shit!"

Jimin panted as he spoke. Jungkook opened his mouth but was immediately shut by Jimin's raised hand and glare. "I hate this, and I hate him! I'm doing every effort here and he doesn't even spare me a glance. He-"


He came into an abrupt stop as both he and Jungkook turned to look at his vibrating phone, his ringtone sounding too loud for their quiet apartment.

The boy scowled heartily at it, but his scowl went out of the window when he saw the caller ID. He did not waste a second and answered the call, clearing his voice to ensure that he sounded okay.

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