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I didn't move at all while she worked but we talked small conversations while Baek was outside of his car leaning on a door.
"Finished" Lisa smiled proudly, "I did something that was not so natural or dramatic since your already beautiful."

She handed me a mirror and I smiled.

She handed me a mirror and I smiled

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(Finished product and imagine yourself with a natural wet hair look)

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(Finished product and imagine yourself with a natural wet hair look)

"Thank you Lisa" I hugged her
"Your welcome" she hugged back, "but let's go now we have 3 more hours of school left."
I nodded and got off of the car.

Baek has a shocked expression and he suddenly hugged me and twirled me in the air, "my baby has grown up" he continued twirling me while Lisa laughed and clapped, "my ship has sailed"

They made people turn to see us with dropped jaws.
"Yah! Put me down!" I hit Baek playfully
He put me down gently.
"Sorry" he said rubbing his forehead after I flicked it.

I smiled at him, "thank you Baek, I'll stay at school since there is no point on going home"
He nodded but before getting into his car he said, "if you need my help or if something else happens you call me okay?" he drove off before I could answer.

Lisa was smiling like crazy.
"Are you okay Lisa" I looked at her worriedly
"Of course I'm okay I just saw my ship sail in front of my eyes." she jumped happily and grabbed my hand skipping towards the school, I was dragged along with my back pack on my shoulder.

Before we even got inside of the school Lisa stopped skipping and made me bump into her.
"What's wrong?" I looked in front of her to see BTS standing there.

I froze and stared at them.
They stared back.
Lisa glared at them and pushed them aside, "excuse us" she pulled me behind her and into the school.

I could feel them staring as we walked in.
Lisa pulled me into my class I sat at my usual seat and she sat down beside me.
"I have this class to." she was comparing our schedules, "We have all of the same classes except for science I have Biology and you have AP Biology." she frowned.

"It's fine I know you'll do great in that class" I smiled and pat her back trying to comfort her.
I felt something land on my lap, it was a piece of paper, Lisa noticed it and took it off of my lap she read it.
She handed it to me frowning and wrote something on a piece of paper.

I read the paper and it said, Are you new? We think your absolutely stunning but you shouldn't sit in that chair or you'll catch the nerdiness from the girl that used to sit there. Sit with us tomorrow during lunch.
I looked around the class to see who threw the note, I noticed Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung seating behind me.

"Hey" Jimin said smiling
I ignored him and looked at Lisa.
"What are you writing" I whispered
She passed me the paper it said, I would gladly sit with you guys tomorrow but my friend has to come along and thank you for the warning.
I didn't know what to do with it but Lisa winked at me and mouthed give it to them.

I turned my body and smiled sweetly at them before leaving the paper on Jungkook's desk since it was directly behind mine.
I looked at Lisa confused and she whispered, "I'll explain everything to you later"

Class started and I payed attention to the teacher taking notes.
I felt someone tap my shoulder making me turn around.
I saw a smiling Jungkook I looked at him confused.
He whispered, "do you have a pencil I could borrow."
I looked at his hand which already had a pencil and back at him even more confused he noticed and smiled awkwardly.

I just turned back around and grabbed an extra pencil handing it to him.
"Thank you" he whispered
I just nodded my head and turned back around and continued writing notes for AP Algebra.

The bell rang showing the end of the day, I got up from my seat and packed my stuff into my backpack.
I felt a tap on my shoulder again, "here's your pencil thanks for letting me borrow it" Jungkook gave me a bunny smile.
I nodded and took it before leaving with Lisa.

She took my hand and pulled me out of the school. Once we were outside we started walking towards my car.
"I'll take you over to my place so you can explain everything to me" she nodded

We both got in and she kept on talking about how amazing my car was and why I parked it so far.
I didn't feel like talking so I stayed silent the whole ride while she continued talking.

We got to my place and I passed the security since it was my mansion.
I parked the car with the rest while Lisa looked around with her mouth wide open.
"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" I shushed her by covering her mouth.
"Be quiet" my bodyguards just followed us while looking at Lisa as if she were crazy.
They looked about ready to take her away.

I dragged her in and was greeted my the maids.
I pulled Lisa to my room while she waved at the maids like crazy.
She looked around the halls while I turned here and there climbing up stairs until we got to my room.

Her jaw dropped again, "Waaaw Y/n! This is the biggest room I have ever seen, you could fit all of my house here." she ran to my closet, "What's in this doo—" her jaw dropped again when she saw what was inside.
I followed her in and she started pulling out clothes and putting them back in there places.

"This is my dream closet." she sat on the floor
I giggled, "you could borrow my clothes any time."
"Oh my gosh, I love you!" she hugged me
"Love you to" I walked out of the closet and laid on my bed.

Lisa continued exploring my room like a lost puppy.
"This is the best restroom ever!" she yelled
I laughed as I heard the water being turned on and off.

"Lisa stop playing around and come explain your plan" I sat up
She had a huge grin plastered on her face.

A/n: sorry for any mistakes✌︎✌︎

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