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Taehyung was just standing there and all he did was pull a hand out for her, she took it.
In less then a second she was up, Lisa and I looked at each other with wide eyes.

We stood up, I stared at his girlfriend, "sorry for bumping into you I didn't see where I was going." I slightly bowed.
"It's okay no need to bow right, Yeri" he slightly pushed her.
"Bu- but babe!" she pouted
"No but's Yeri you didn't even get hurt, Stop being so dramatic all the time." he glared at her, "You should be the one saying sorry for causing drama all the time."

She gulped and looked at me, "sorry"
"It's fine" I smiled slightly, "ummm... we have to go, right Lisa?"
Lisa nodded
"Bye" I pulled on Lisa's arm
We went inside while people stared at us.

I walked into the classroom and sat at my usual seat while Lisa sat to my left. I stared out the window we were on the second floor and I could see everything going on.
The bell rang signaling that class started Lisa was talking along with the whole class since the teacher still hadn't walked in. I continued looking out the window but something caught my attention.

I payed close attention to that ignoring the figure standing in front of me trying to catch my attention.
I stared at the girl and guy yelling at each other it was a couple fight she looked my age, 17 the guy was probably one year older.

Suddenly the guy slapped her making her fall from the hit. I stood up abruptly as the class stayed silent and watched me, I finally looked at the person in front of me, "sorry" I said looking at Jimin.
I dashed from my seat and past the teacher as she was walking in.

I ran until I got outside of the school ignoring everyone. I ran to where I saw the girl and guy from the window.
I looked up to see all of the class looking at me from the window.
Lisa was pointing to my right, I turned and saw the fighting couple a few meters away.

The girl was on the floor crying and touching her cheek. I ran to her and stood in front of her I glared at the guy, "What are you doing?! You're not supposed to lay a single finger on a girl coward!"

He glared at me, "tell that bitch to leave me alone then she hasn't stopped bothering me since we broke up."
"Don't call her a bitch." I continued glaring
"I see, not only one bitch but two standing in front of me now." he smirked
"I see an asshole standing before me" I slapped him hard.

"You bitch!" he raised his hand ready to slap me but the girl that got slapped held his hand from behind.
"Don't you dare you mother fucker" she whispered loudly.
"What do you think you're doing bitch." he looked at her.
I kicked him hard right in between his legs making him loosen up and fall to the floor.

I grabbed the girls hand and ran to the school I bumped into Jimin on my way to the entrance.
"What are you doing out here?!" I was surprised
"I-I came to help you" he looked at the direction we just came from.
"No need let's go before he comes again." I continued running and pulling the girl along.

I stopped once I thought we were safe.
"What's your name?" I asked while catching my breath.
"Je-Jennie, tha-thank you" she was catching her breath.
"No pro-problem" I leaned against the wall.

"Let's go to class" Jimin said looking at me.
I nodded, "I hope to see you later, Jennie" I smiled at her and walked with Jimin to class.
"What's your name?" he asked walking at a slow pace.
"You'll know it soon enough" I smiled slightly while laughing evilly inside.

We got to the classroom and he let me walk in before him. I walked to my seat and bowed at the teacher and the class.
I payed attention the rest of the class while feeling stares.

The bell rang and the other classes went like usual I explained everything to Lisa after she asked me for the 1000th time.
It was lunchtime after our 4th class, I sat with Lisa at a random table and we talked while she ate. I didn't feel like eating since I decided to start a diet for the concerts I would start giving in Korea.

"I can't believe you had the guts to stop him and defended her even do you didn't know her. I also can't believe your going to do concerts in Korea." she said in between bites.
"Don't talk with your mouth full or you'll choke." I laughed at her cuteness.

I felt a tap on my shoulder making turn around to see Jungkook standing there.
"Yes?" I was confused
"Weren't you going to sit with us today?" he was now looking at me confused.
"Oh! Yes sorry I forgot but could Lisa tag along" I looked at Lisa which was now sitting straight while chewing.

"Yes you could bring her too" he smiled at us
"Thank you" Lisa said
"No problem, let's go" he waited for us to stand up and follow him.
He pulled out two chairs and sat on the chair beside mine.

"Hello, thank you for inviting us to sit with you" I smiled and bowed slightly.
"Yeah thanks" Lisa bowed slightly as well.
"No need" said Namjoon

"Aren't you going to eat?" Jin looked at me worriedly
"No I'm on a diet right now" I smiled reassuringly
"Your already skinny enough tho" said Jhope
"Not enough for some people" I thought about how they called me fat when I was a "nerd".

"They are some idiots then" Taehyung shook his head.
"I know right" I was laughing inside.
We all talked about random stuff and if they weren't my bullies we would've got along just fine.

Suddenly I felt something cold and hard falling on me making me close my eyes. I heard gasps around me, I opened my eyes to see ice cubes on my lap and on the floor around me.

A/n: sorry for any mistakes ✌︎✌︎

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