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I fixed my black shorts and white tank top with a brown leather jacket on top of it.
"Make sure not to fall," said Chen pointed to my black high heeled leathered boots.
"Cross your fingers," I muttered as a lady did my makeup and another one braided my hair.

"You'll do great," Chen said as he handed me a mirror.
"I hope so... it's the first time I've met fans in Korea." I said as I saw the light makeup she was doing.
"It's grander then anything you've done." he said with a smile as he took the mirror away from me.

"Y/n, they're ready for you." said a broad man with a security shirt on.
The ladies put the finishing touches calmly and I stood up from the chair, "Thank you." I said bowing towards them.
"Let's go," said Chen as he pulled me towards the door leading to the outside where the fans awaited along with the paparazzi.

"Are you ready?" he asked giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.
I nodded, "Let's do this." I said as I opened the door.
I walked in followed by Chen, the manager and security.

I could hear cheering along with millions of questions thrown at me.
I smiled widely and bowed at them before taking the microphone from my manager.
"Thank you for coming today! This is wild, I never thought I would have so many people coming today!" I said as I fought the urge of crying, "Thank you! I hope you have fun and make sure to come to my concert!" I yelled before handing the microphone back to my manager.

My manager was yelling out instructions while Chen led me towards my seat, security was holding people back and keeping them in order.
I could hear the cameras clicking and the flashlights making me blind.
My manager handed me the microphone and the press began asking questions.

"What was your album based on?!" yelled someone with a notepad.
"Bullying and something that happened in my past!" I yelled back.
"Who would bully you?!" yelled a fan wearing a white shirt with my picture on it.
"Heartless people, it doesn't matter who you are there has always been those kinds of people which have nothing better to do than bully you." I said as I leaned back in my chair.

"What happened in your past?!" yelled a person with a camera.
"My mother's death," I said staring at her.
"What happened when your mother died?!" yelled a guy with another camera.
My manager took the microphone from me, "That's enough questions! The fans want to meet her already!"

I stood up and Chen lead me to a giant cardboard with my name in it, in bold holographic letters.
They began letting people come towards me one by one and I got to take a picture, greet and answer questions with all of them. Everything was fine until I got to the last few people.
I realized the last three were Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook.

First came Taehyung with his box smile, I gave him an awkward hug and we took a picture together.
"Y/n, you have no idea how long I've been a fan for." he said with his deep voice sarcastically.
"I'm very thankful." I said with sarcasm, "Do you have any questions?" I asked as my manager gave me the hurry up sign.
"Why didn't you invite or warn me about this meet and greet?" he said as he stared at me with his deep and dark eyes.
"I didn't want to take your time." I said as my manager gave me the finish sign, "Well thank you for coming, please come to my concert." I said forcefully since that was the line my manager had ordered me to tell everyone.
He gave me another hug and whispered in my ear, "I'll visit you soon." he walked towards the other fans and the next "fan" came up to me.

"I've been a fan since you gave me your autograph," Jimin said as he gave me a hug.
"Right, thanks" I said as I pulled him away gently, "I appreciate the support, any questions?"
"Yes, are you trying to make me jealous?" he whispered in my ear as the camera flashed.
"Thank you for coming, please make sure to come to my concert." I said as took a step back trying not to blush.
"I love you," he said as he walked away waving at me.
"I'm going to beat your-..." I was talking out loud without realizing it until my manager began coughing falsely.

"Oh welcome!" I yelled embarrassed as I realized Jungkook was already standing in front of me, I gave him a quick hug and the camera flashed.
"I'll beat him up for you," Jungkook said giving me his bunny smile.
"Don't say that," I said looking at my manager which was glaring at me, "please do." I whispered desperately.
He gave little laugh, "I have a question for you but I'll rather ask it in private." he said as he looked at the group of people waiting behind a rail.
"Oh okay, well thank you for coming, please come to my concert." I said as I gave him another quick hug.
"I will," he said before walking away.

"That's it." said Chen as he took my hand and was about to pull me towards the crowd.
"Wait!" yelled my manager, "There's one more."
I turned around confused and widened my eyes when I realized who it was....

A/n~ sorry for any mistakes ✌︎✌︎

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