Chapter 6

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Yujin had taken cautious steps through the silent corridor, her feet taking her through the emptied halls of JYP as if they had a mind of their own. Her watch dinged, signaling the start of the hour.

12 AM. Midnight.

She knew she shouldn't continue this way. Couldn't. She knew she tired herself out each night, dancing nonstop, never allowing her sore limbs a night to rest and heal. Getting home at 2 in the morning to be up and out of her home by 6:30. She knew that she drained herself of energy and that by the end of most days she would nearly collapse from exhaustion. She barely had time to eat with her busy work schedule, and that coupled with her exuberant practice was an unhealthy combination.

But she couldn't stop.

This was her one chance.

She had kept it from everyone; her parents, her coworkers, her friends, even Yoongi knew nothing of it. She knew he'd step in and stop her once he saw her state. And she couldn't have that.

She'd overheard several people discussing the contest at a café several weeks ago and immediately searched it up online to validate. When she'd discovered it was a way for unknown, amateur dancers like herself to earn some fame and a spot in a real onstage peformance, her heart soared. This could be her break.

So every night for the past few weeks, Yujin would wait until she was sure the area was cleared out and sneak into the small, obscure practice room that only trainees would use. She wanted to be sure she wouldn't be caught; she didn't want to jeopardize her new job, knowing the disappointment her parents would feel and not wanting Yoongi and his boss' efforts to go to waste.

She had instantly known which song she would choose, and wanted to challenge herself by performing a contemporary piece which would contrast her usual hip hop style. It took her around two weeks to craft a rough choreography, and the next to finalize it and connect each move so that they flowed together. Once that was over, she spent every night perfecting each move, not allowing herself any room for error.

Yujin's Dance

(Soloist at: 4:33)

This night was a night like any other. Yujin arrived at the usual room, flicking on the singular lamp in the corner so that it shined towards her from her left, illuminating her figure so she could make out her reflection in the mirror. The door was off to the side behind her on the wall parallel to the one she faced, with one square window to see through.

She had warmed up quickly with a few stretches before syncing her phone to the speaker and playing the song. As she had hundreds of times already, she ran through the dance, visible effort and passion flowing through her movements.

Jungkook had just excused himself from his game with Yugyeom to go find the bathroom. This was probably his second or third time visiting his friend at his company, and most of the time it was spent at his group's dorm. However, this time, Yugyeom had led him through multiple unfamiliar hallways to bring them to the rec room, where they had been playing a game of pool.

It had taken Jungkook five minutes of aimless wandering before he had concluded himself as lost.

Letting out an annoyed huff of air through his nostril, he continued forward, figuring maybe he would circle back around to find his friend. His need to relieve himself was long forgotten. As he had rounded the corner, the sound of soft, muffled music drifted through the corridor. His ears perked hearing the melody and he had found himself heading towards the source of the music. He found it behind a worn door, tucked in the corner of JYP Entertainment and inconspicuous as ever.

He planted himself in front of the door, watching with interest through the window as a lean figure danced with fervor. Every move they made was sharp, articulate, skillful, and controlled. It was obvious the person was talented and practiced hard, and from their shape and the hair that fell past their shoulders, Jungkook could tell it was a woman. He couldn't help but admire the fluidity of the movements, each spin and leap drawing him in more; her flexibility was evident through the impressive splits and the extensions of her limbs she worked into the choreography.

Jungkook couldn't see the mystery girl's face. The way the light hit her at an angle caused a sort of silhouette effect. He could only see the outline of her form, the curves of her body a wonder to his eyes. He had never been so curious of a person before, he nearly opened the door and waltzed right in, wishing to acquaint himself with the girl.

The way she moved and the way her body reacted to the song told a story. She had struggled, felt sorrow, pain, and he felt it. Just from observing her movements he felt connected to her, he felt her story. And he wanted to hear it for himself.

But he couldn't.

So he left the door, left the lone figure, left the quaint hall and it's memory. He had eventually found his way back to Yugyeom, his thoughts running wild on the mystery girl as his friend talked his ear off about his impatience.

He'd left the building soon after, passing by the room in hopes of glimpsing the woman once more. But the room was empty, even darker with the absence of the dim light in the corner. It looked so abandoned and forgotten that he nearly doubted himself, wondering if it had all been his imagination after a long day of exhausting preparations.

But he knew it wasn't. For the next few consecutive days, at the same time, Jungkook would visit. Unbeknownst to Yujin, who was too consumed by dance and thoughts and fatigue, Jungkook would silently observe.

He was intrigued by her.


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