Chapter 16

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So I just attended my graduation ceremony last Saturday with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy *throws confetti for myself*. And I think that's enough excuse for not posting for a while:) I love you guys! Haha!

Btw, I've decided to set a schedule for posting my chapters. It's on Monday/Tuesday and Friday/Saturday . Since I've just started work today and I know you guys are understanding.

Chapter 16


"Didn't I tell you not to look for triggers? It hasn't even been a day yet!"

I looked at the psychiatrist standing at the foot of the bed. Mara had her hands on her hips while she frowned down at me. She had a harried look about her, her straight black hair slightly windblown and her clothes a bit wrinkled. She had lost the lab coat somewhere on the way here.

And from what I understood, the moment I fainted, Zachary had Susan send for her and here she was.

I bit my lip, apologetic. "I wasn't looking for triggers. It just... happened."

She shook her head before rounding the side of the bed to plop down beside me. I was leaning against the headboard and Mara did the same, twisting her head in my direction.

"So tell me," she started, "What exactly happened?"

She was staring at me too intensely and I looked down at my hands settled over the covers.

"I started painting when we got back—"

She immediately cut me off, "Painting? I know you took a degree in arts for college and some of your works are exhibited and quite well-known. How'd you know to paint?" Mara narrowed her eyes at me critically.

I thought for a moment, "I had a memory of winning a competition when I was younger and I guess I tried to see if I could still paint. I was also doing it to get my mind off things and I found out I could still paint."

I paused and Mara seemed to think about it a bit, "Okay. Continue your story. You started to paint just now and then..?"

"Well," my eyes went up to the ceiling, thinking of what happened earlier before looking in Mara's direction. "After I finished my picture, Zach came into the room and wanted to see it. Well, he..." why was I embarrassed about this? "...He complemented the painting and said it was beautiful."

I flushed, feeling shy. But Mara merely raised one eyebrow, "And then?"

I dropped my eyes, "And that triggered it," I shrugged, not really knowing what more to say.

Mara rolled her eyes at me, "Explain, dear. How did the word 'beautiful' suddenly trigger your memories?"

I hesitated before answering, "It was something he said about another of my paintings when we were younger. I'm sure I was ten years old by that time."

I didn't really want to expound on the memory, remembering how that memory turned out. But just before my thoughts completely fell to that time, Mara's voice brought me back.

"I didn't know you knew each other since childhood."

I perked up at that information, studying her face.

"You didn't?"

Mara shook her head, "No, most definitely not." Then she shrugged, "But like I said, I didn't know you and Lily existed before those morons married you ladies so I guess that shouldn't be surprising."

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