Bonus Chapter which I don't know where to put

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Bonus chapter written in Third Person POV


The St. Luke's Medical Hospital had seen its fair share of chaos with the influx patients over the course of forty years in operation. From a local senator being flown in after an assassination attempt, that highway tragedy of a school bus and a drunk driver colliding to take the life of at least twenty grade schoolers... In fact, there should never be a need to close off a whole wing of the premiered medical institution for a single woman who lay unconscious in their most extravagant suite.

But here was the whole building, under strict lock-down protocols after the media had decided they were going to camp outside and sensationalize the whole thing. Not even the worsening conditions of the hurricane or the freezing temperatures was deterring the media. The board's chairman had called an emergency meeting—threatened its security, that people were losing jobs— should a single paparazzi be able to sneak in.

Not a single soul in the institution really knew what had happened.

But what was sure of this situation was that no one would dare offend the man who brought in the woman under the strangest conditions in this stormy night.

Zachary Christopher Harrington.

And there he was, standing stone-still outside the room, signature clothes and hand-stitched leather shoes soaked through, a ruined coat clutched in his left hand. His bronze hair stuck to his forehead, the curls dripping at the tips, a muscle repeatedly jumping on his cheek as he gritted his teeth to accentuate his chiseled jaw.

He had glowing cobalt eyes that never left the closed doors. Murmurings could be heard from inside, muffled and never clear enough to make sense to him. There was something with the way his whole focus was on that one point after the attending doctor and nurse requested him to leave the room. Some kind of fragile faux patience of a predatory animal ready to jump in at any time.

"Zachary! Damn it, what the hell is happening?"

No one was allowed near the wing. But that furious person stomping into the hallway was just as powerful as the first man. It came as no surprise that he was here even before done.

Without bodily movement, without shifting his visual focus, Zachary acknowledged, "Marcus."

Marcus, for his right, had an equally indescribable expression on his face. He was heaving, as if he'd run through Hades and back. He cursed multiple times, dark eyes calculating, analyzing. Marcus Stone waited, waited for an explanation that he now believed wasn't forthcoming.

"Do you know what it looks like out there? The media is a circus! The whole building's security is a mess. I had to bring twelve of my own bodyguards just to get past that crowd."

Without skipping a beat, "I didn't call you here."

Expletives exploded at that reply. "Harrington, what in the actual hell is going on? And what's with your parents being held at the lobby? Why aren't they allowed in?"

"You're not supposed to be allowed here either."

"Screw you. You're not going to give me answers? I'd had a frantic call from my secretary at this godforsaken hour saying Zachary Harrington attempted to kill the daughter of Gregory Noble! Her father just died three months ago! You haven't been married a year! Do you know what this whole thing looks like?"

That earned him a glance, a blank one before Zachary returned his focus to the door. "She's being treated inside at the moment."

A whole sea of possibilities was laid forth with such vague replies and Marcus made it plain with the facial expression he was sporting. That Zachary had obviously dismissed him at this point...

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