Chapter 7: Wow, my heart is like, a dead milkshake right now

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We drive along in silence. Eventually I put my headphones in and look out the window. I feel him looking at me through the corner of his eye but I ignore him.

We continue travelling in silence for at least ten minutes before we drive past the exit to my place and I whip my head around. I don't miss how he's looking at me before he turns back to the road when I turn to look at him.  

"My place is back there!" I yell.

"Well, you didn't really tell me where your house was, so how would I know?"

"Well, you didn't bother asking a second time," I say and he shrugs. "Then where are we going?" 

"We're going to my friend's place."


"Because I want to."

"What! But you're supposed to drop me straight home!" 

"Ok," he says. "But I'm not."

"ALEX! Pull over!"


"Alex! Please?"

"Where'd babe go? I liked that," he smirks.

"I want you to pull over! Please!"

"Why do you have to get home so quickly! You're seventeen Nat, you don't have to be home straight after any event. Just text your mum."

"No! I don't want to be in this car a second longer."

"Deal with it, bruh."

"You annoying piece of faeces!" I huff and put my head phones back in and cross my arms. 


We pull up on a curb outside a modern grey home. I step outside of the car then immediately go back in and take out my hoodie from my bag. I chuck it on and pull the top over my head. Alex walks around and whacks it off, pulling out my ponytail from the back. 

"What the flip babe?"

"They don't want to see you looking like an emo again, dude."

I sigh as we walk up the steps and Alex rings the doorbell. His friends answer it. I guess his parents are away somewhere. 

One of the boys has hazel eyes and curly black hair, with a defined jawline, and he's short for his age, around Bubble's height. The other boy is Korean and has glasses on. The shorter boy wraps an arm around me and leads me in.

"Bonjour, Mademoiselle," I recognize him as the guy with the cringy pick up lines. 

"Hi..." I say.

"This is Nat guys," Alex pokes me on the shoulder and I shove him. 

"I'm Callum," the short guy says. 

"Leo," the guy with glasses salutes me, popping open a coke. I nod. Alex and his friends talk for about fifteen minutes, me waiting impatiently. 

"So Natalie here is pretty difficult to manage, you guys mind giving her a ride home?" Alex walks over to the bar fridge and takes out an energy drink.  I gape at him and he turns to me and raises his eyebrow as he drinks. I narrow my eyes at him. 

"I'll just walk home thanks," I turn to Leo and Callum. "Nice to meet you," I walk out the door and wave. 

"Eugh, Natalie!" Alex runs out the door with me. 

"See you at school Alex," I smile sweetly at him and walk away. I check my phone two minutes later to check which way to go before I keep walking. I think its about a twenty-minute walk from here. I walk for another five minutes before I hear an engine behind me, it slows down beside me and I recognize the BMW. I roll my eyes as the window rolls down. 

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