Chapter 35: I'm Winning This For My Boy, Greg

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I'm walking out of my music classroom when I hear my name being called and turn towards the person. Its Alex, he's jogging up to me, Amanda standing there, looking outraged a couple of feet behind him. 

"Hey babe," I say, resting my books on my hip. 

"Dude," he says. I raise my eyebrows. "You're not coming to the game?"

"What game?" I ask with a 'what are you talking about' look. 

"The football game," he says, looking at me. "Tonight."

"Oh, tonight. Right," I say. He sighs. 

"Please come! I promise it won't be boring!" he says. I keep walking and he follows. 

"You should get back to your girlfriend Alex, I doubt she'd want me there,"  I say before I realize that I do.

"Why wouldn't she want you there?" he asks, puzzled. 

"Because... uhm," I struggle to put together a sentence. "She might think I'm trying out for the cheer team!"

That makes no sense. Oh, well.

"Wait... you're trying out for the cheer team?" he asks. 

"No!" I say quickly. "I just... er, Amanda just won't want me there since, um, we got into a fight in geography because she got a trivia question wrong."

"That doesn't mean she won't want you at the game. C'mon, I'll give you my old jersey that says Alex on the back and you can cheer me on! The more fans, the better," he winks. I laugh.

"I won't promise anything -" I start. 

"Pick you up at six," he says, pulling my ponytail as he walks past. I shake my head after him and continue to my next class. 


I am not dressing up for this game. Bubbles and Kate are over, getting ready for the night for no reason at all. Its a freaking football match. Leo and Callum are going to be there with us, so apparently they have to dress up. I'm infidelity gonna dress down. Its comfortable. 

"C'mon Nat, at least wear a nice shirt," Bubbles complains when she sees me in my ripped jeans and baggy Navy hoodie with an emblem in the corner of my favorite basketball team. 

"I'm good," I say, and untie my hair, running a comb through it and pulling it into a messy high ponytail. I chuck on my Converse and wait for Kate and Bubbles to finish their makeup. 

I jump almost three feet in the air when a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and pull me into a solid chest. 

"Hey, Greg," he says. I turn around in his arms. 

"Hi Patricia," I say. He's wearing a hoodie like me and has on a pair of jeans. "Aren't you playing football?"

"We get changed there," he says. "Well, ready to go?"

I turn around to look at Bubbles and Kate. They nod, big smiles on their faces. Kate mouths, 'go kiss him' to me and I roll my eyes.

"See you guys! Don't trash my room. Also, its only Dad downstairs so just sneak out," I say. Alex takes my hand and drags me out the door, down the stairs, hollering a greeting to my dad in the study. He pulls me onto the street and walks down towards his car on the side walk. 

We hop in and slam the doors. I pull two parts of my ponytail to tighten my hair as he starts the engine. 

"By the way, you're coming to the party with me afterwards too, I checked with your mum," he says. I raise my eyebrows. 

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