Chapter 47: If you were a steak you'd be done well

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"What?" I turn my head to look at him. He loses his grip for a second on the wheel, but regains composure and swerves to avoid crashing into a car in the other lane. 

"Oh," he says. "Sorry, I thought we were just saying opposite things." 

"Oh," I say, looking out the window. I'm an idiot. He doesn't love me. He doesn't love anyone. He just plays girls, moving onto the next one after one night. 

"But, if you want me to show you love, I will," he says. I scoff and push his shoulder gently. 

"Shut up."


"Yeah. Fraser Island," I say, folding another towel and placing it in my suitcase. 

"Yes! We went there once. Be careful of the dingoes," Adele says. I laugh. "No, seriously, there are actual dingoes there."

My face falls. "What?"

"Yeah," she says. "It's their natural habitat. They're not going to kill you unless you provoke them."

I make a frowny face and pack a jumper into my bag. 

"Its really not gonna be that cold," Adele says, biting into her sandwich, looking at the things I've packed. 

"Really?" I ask. 

"Bruh, I thought you were smart! Do you not do geography? Australia is heated! They don't reach anything under 0 degrees on the coldest day of the year. Their summers are literally forty degrees," she says. "And they make fun of Europeans because we call twenty-one degrees a scorcher. Rude. But, I mean, it is a scorcher!"

I take out my second hoodie and add a sundress instead. She nods. 

"Alright, well I'm leaving now! Talk to you soon!" I say, picking up my phone after zipping my suitcase up. 

"No, wait!" she says. I stop my finger from moving towards the end call button. "You understand that there's no reception there?"

"What?" I ask. 

"You won't be able to call me," she says. I frown and Adele laughs. "So, I have something to say!"

"What is it?" I sigh, collapsing back onto my bed. 

"Go get high with Alex! Drunk on your love!" she yells. 

"Bye Adele," I say. 

"Bye," she smiles and I hang up. I swing my plane bag onto my back and walk downstairs. I'm wearing some ripped jeans and a cropped white shirt with a small kawaii avocado on it. My hair's in braids and there are a few baby hairs framing my face that I'm trying to blow away. 

"Hey, Nat," Michelle says when I walk downstairs. Their whole family is in our small lobby and we're waiting for the boys. Dad's outside packing a taxi with our gear. 

"Yo," Alex walks over to me. 

"Hey," I say. He smiles and picks up my bag for me. "Thanks."

"Are you excited to spend the whole holidays with a hot Greek God?" he asks, wheeling my bag out onto the footpath and handing it to Dad.

"Nope," I say. He pouts. "Sorry."

He doesn't speak to me, instead, he ignores me and walks back inside. I keep trying to talk to him but he has on this 'nope, you said I wasn't a Greek God so now I'm not speaking to you' vibe.  

"Alex," I whine, picking up Wombat and patting him. "I'm sorry."

Alex doesn't respond, just glares at me playfully. I roll my eyes and sit down on the couch next to him, taking out my phone. I scroll through my Instagram as Alex stares at the wall in front of us. I smirk when I think of an idea. "Oh, this guy's hot."

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