Chapter 33: Beans For Breakfast

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Alex has been gone for a week. He left on Sunday morning. Leo told me that he'd been seen off by family, and wouldn't be back for two weeks. Leo and Callum have been sitting with us, since Kate and Leo are dating and so are Bubbles and Callum.

He hasn't texted me, and I haven't texted him. Why should I? I'm supposed to be staying away from him. Its a good thing he's gone.

Its Monday. I chuck on some skinny jeans and a baggy jumper. Teachers are starting to give us more and more homework. My desk is filled with paper and pens from my study session last night for Calculus. We have a mid-quarter test today.

I throw my things into my bag and swipe my phone from off the bedside table. I call out a quick goodbye to Mum and Dad to tell them I'm leaving. I then hop in my car and reverse out of the driveway.

On the radio, "Treat you better" by Shawn Mendes is playing. I remember Alex sang that song at cafe extra when I first started working there. I switch the channel. "Hurt Somebody" is playing now, and I quickly flip the channel onto some station that's static-ish.

Do I miss him?

Yes. Yes, I do.

Will I ever tell anyone?

No. No, I won't.

I pull up in the school car park and hop out of my car. I don't notice all the glances I'm getting until I walk through the gates. I pull up my hood and shove my hands into my pockets, walking into the building with my head down.

I pass Noah and Glenna in the hallway talking. I hope things work out for them. I just hope Glenna doesn't get hurt. I continue down the corridor towards my locker. I see a large crowd gathered around the area. They all clear a space for me. My locker's been sprayed with a black spray paint. The words:




Are painted onto the front in white. I walk up to my locker and unlock it. My friends are standing closest to me and I smile at them. They all frown at me. I unzip my pencil case and take out a Sharpie. I scribbled over the words until they disappear. Then I remove my books and put my phone into my locker. I slam the locker shut and look over to Kate, Meghan, Chloe and Bubbles.

"C'mon guys, we're gonna be late."


After that scene, I didn't read anymore of my messages. I kept my phone in my locker at all times, since it dinged at least five times a period. I gave up on blocking all those girls, since Amanda always moved onto a new friend. How did she even text in class? Don't her teacher's see?

I had to explain to Meghan, Chloe and Bubbles that it was probably just a joke. I could see Kate giving me disapproving and concerned glances from the corner of my eye. I knew she wanted me to tell them, but I didn't.

They eventually got over it by Wednesday. All through the night my phone buzzes and I put it on do not disturb until I'm ready to look through my text messages for ones from friends.

Rosemary offered me a extra job at the cafe. I'm singing on Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday nights. I've been singing there since Alex left, as well as waitress, but I get heaps of money.

Bubbles announces that we're all going over to her place on Friday night.

Glenna and Noah have started dating. It was a big surprise, and I think his friends are still shocked. Glenna still hates me. I did do a pretty horrible thing, being with someone I didn't like while I knew someone else did. I don't know why I did it. Bubbles says I did it because I didn't want to let him down, since I thought he was a nice guy. But I don't know why I did.

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