Chapter 15: Sonic the Hedgehog on a keyboard

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"Mum. Its fine, really, I don't need any new stuff!" I hand the money back to her but she pushes it away, back to me.

"Hun, you don't understand how difficult it is to buy clothes for you! You have around five shirts and jeans that you wear everyday! You need a range of clothes. I'm not buying it for you anymore, since you never wear the clothes I get anyway. Take Bubbles or Meghan or someone!" she says, placing the money in my hands. 

"Ok, I'll think about it," I say, walking off with the two thousand dollars my mum has generously let me borrow. I walk into the garage, strapping my helmet on and plugging in my earphones as I remove my bike. 

I start riding down the street, Beyonce's single ladies beating in my ears. I made a playlist on Spotify of this same song 60 times (BEYONCE, BABY!) so I could play it on repeat without clicking anything. Aren't I smart?

This week has been pretty uneventful, apart from the studying, classes and sleeping, I haven't been doing much. And, lucky me, I haven't spoken to Alex too many times, he's hanging around with Amanda - oh, pardon me, I mean swapping saliva with Amanda. Its disgusting! Noah and I changed our date day to next Thursday, he didn't give me a reason why, but I decided to go with it, we'd only exchanged a quick sentence about it at the party, so I'm fine with that. Noah and I have been getting pretty close lately. I went to another football match of his yesterday, they won and apparently Noah scored the winning try, even though the only try he scored was at the very start. The others were scored by another kid called Sam and Alex also scored a couple. Actually, now that I think about it, Alex scored most. Noah brought me down onto the field to celebrate and kissed me in front of everyone. It was disgusting. I see Noah as a friend, not a boyfriend, which didn't help with what happened next...

"So, are you guys a couple now?" Sam asked Noah. Noah turned to me and smiled, asking with his eyes if that was ok. I nodded, even though I didn't really want to be a couple. 

"I guess so," Noah said to his team. They all cheered. Noah dropped me off at my house after the game and I got some serious questioning from my mum, but I can deal with that. I'm now Noah's girlfriend. I should've said no! I just didn't want to hurt his feelings... whoops. I don't even know if his feeling would've been hurt though. Oh, well.

I didn't see Alex after the game, though he was there before the whole "Natalie is now Noah's girlfriend" thing. He must've gone home or gone to see Amanda, the cow. 

So now I ride down along the beach of California, the palm trees waving around me, the wind pushing my dutch braids behind me, the loose strands dangling around my helmet. 

When I was young, and we lived in America, the place we lived in was a town called Paige, still in California, but not in the center. It wasn't the most well known place. Some people that attend Lakewater high went to my primary school, as there were no high schools in the area, people like Amanda. I'm not sure if she moved or stayed in Paige, but I for sure wouldn't like to visit her and her family, regardless of where they live (*shiver*). 

A/N: You can skip this if you want, unless you wanna here about strawberries and needles that clearly shouldn't have been placed inside the fruit. Hey! Sorry if any of you readers live in Paige. I could be totally wrong, and it'll be a REALLY well known place with heaps of high schools. I just searched up America on google maps and looked at the little words of places in California. Is California a state or a country? I dunno. I'm stupid. I don't really wanna ask google either, I'm to lazy. Wow, that's rich, coming from someone who is FULL ON TYPING. Ha. I just don't wanna open a new tab and use my mouse. I'll do it later. Anyway. Tell me stuff about Paige you Americans, in the comments! Is it popular and well known? I love Australia, you should come visit. Don't buy the strawberries though. Some lunatic put needles in them now I don't get my strawberries (*sad face*). Anyway, if the strawberry-needle physco is reading this PLEASE STOP PUTTING NEEDLES IN MY FRUIT. Well, this has gone totally off topic. Soooooo byeeeeee. Peace out ma friends. (I want my strawberries back please, ya maniac) PS: sorry is I said anyway too much. PPS: sorry if you read this, I just had to ask about Paige and clear things up. I didn't mean to go off topic and talk about strawberries. But, I mean, needles are for sewing (To put things TOGETHER), and, unless you cut them, the strawberries ARE IN ONE PIECE. Get over yourself idiot, I like my strawberries - my STITCHED strawberries - I'm sorry if you're depressed about your unemployment, but I need my nourishment, lunatic. You are a farting nugget-weeble. You people in other countries, only my friends will understand. I am SO sorry! I'll stop now.

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