Chapter 17: How idiots order at a restaurant

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"Yo," Alex is leaning against the wall outside my classroom when I get out after school.

"Hiii...?" I say hesitantly.

"Is today your first day at that new work place?" Alex asks, walking along beside me, swinging his bag onto his shoulder. 

"Yeah," I turn to look at him suspiciously. "How'd you know?"

Alex shrugs. "I dunno."

"How do you not know that you know?"

"I don't know."

"How do you not know that you don't know that you know?"


"How do you know?"

"Huh? About what?"

"My new job...?"

"Um, your mum told me?"

"Why does that sound like a question?" 

"Its not. Your mum told me."

"Ok. You could have just said that in the first place," I laugh and he chuckles awkwardly. "What's wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're being really awkward, Patricia."


"Yeah, so what's wrong?"

"Does something have to be wrong for me to be awkward?"



"You're never awkward."

"Thanks mate," Alex pulls my head under his arm and rubs his knuckle into my head. 

"Ow!" I say, pulling out of his grasp, pouting as I rub my head.

"Sorry," he smirks. "How are you?"

"What the hell is WRONG with you today, sweetpea?"

"What do you mean?"

"You never ask me how I am!"

"Well, now I am."

"What!" I yell, confused.

"How are your feet?"

"Um..good?" I raise my eyebrows at him. 

"Well, I-" he's interrupted by a fake brunette with a face full of makeup. 

"Alex?" Amanda asks sweetly. 

"Hi Amanda," Alex turns to her as she clutches his arm. 

"Alex, you know I told you not to talk to her," she tilts her chin down and looks at him from under her hideous fake eyelashes.

"Oh, um," Alex coughs. "Yeah, of course," he swallows and walks off with Amanda, without even saying goodbye. I stare after the couple, shocked. Alex was acting really weird, but now its EXTREMELY CONCERNING. He's never just left me after talking to me. Well, I wish he never talked to me in the first place, so we must be one step close to achieving that. 

I shrug and walk off, finding Bubbles and Meghan in the car park. "Hey guys," I click my car keys and we all hop into the car. 

"You look confuzled, Nat. What's wrong?" Bubbles, who's sitting in the backseat, asks. 

"Oh, nothing," I shake my head as we leave the school behind. 

"Its not nothing," Meghan raises her eyebrows.

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