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if yoongi hadn't pulled me out of the cafeteria, i would've put jin on life support.

i noticed the way victoria was looking at me,  a part of me felt embarrassed that she saw me in that kind of state, the other just didn't give a fuck.

" you need to learn how to control yourself gguk, you could've gotten your ass kicked out..again."

i stayed quiet because i know the next words i'd say won't be good.

" you have more, i ran out." i put my hand out for yoongi to pass on the goods.

" you drained all i had. enough gguk, you're killing yourself. do you see those spots on your body?"

" says the one who gave it to me in the first place," i argued.

" i did it because it was the only way to keep you in check! you think i like to watch my friend destroy his life?! be straight with me, dude! " yoongi balled up his fists.

" relax bro." i chuckle bitterly and slap his shoulder. " do not fucking tell me to relax," he uttered.

i put my hands up in defense and rest my back against the wall.

after school, jeongguk went to his apartment. he toss his bag on the black sofa and made his way to his room.

jeongguk reaches into his drawer taking out a plastic bag full of heroin and some cocaine.

he sat on the cold marble floor and mix the substances. the raven head also mixed some heroin with water and injected it with a needle.

jeongguk snorted as much cocaine as he could, to cloud his mind.

" i need to help him, dude. there must be something," yoongi muttered.

" bro i don't know either. he is already fucked up, there's nothing for us to do."

" no shut up! there must be something! there has to be something. have you seen the way he is?? he is drained..." he exclaimed

" you can maybe get him to rehab," jimin suggested.

" you think yoongi will be able to get jeongguk to a rehab? that kid fractured jin's nose during lunch." hoseok said chuckling.

" boxing! he can take his anger out on something," yoongi suddenly says.

" i like that idea. he can also earn a great amount of money." jimin nods.

" now all i need to do is convince him. shit is going to be hard." yoongi tug his hair and collapsed on the couch.


during the next day at school, jeongguk walk inside the class and took his seat at the back.

he notice the spot beside him was empty. he scans around the room, searching for victoria.

" alright students. continue to work on your projects," ms. bam begin taking attendance.

jeongguk ran his lips over his cold lip ring and kept his eyes on the door.

" is victoria here, today?" the teacher asks.

" i didn't see her, miss."

she's not here?  jeongguk thought.

never mind.

victoria entered the classroom holding a piece of paper.
" i was with the headmaster, ms. bam," she said giving her the late pass.

" okay, get started on your project."

victoria sighed and walk to the backseat. the whole time, jeongguk was stealing glancing here and there.

she brought out the book and the laptop she will be using.
" i-i did some quick summary about the novel f-for you, so it can be e-easier to understand." victoria nervously instructed without gazing at the raven head.

" i'm not reading all that. you can explain it to me," jeongguk finally spoke.

" o-okay." victoria hold her shaky hands together, on her lap.

half of the class, the female went through everything about It Ends With Us for the male to get on track.

" how many parts are we doing?" he questions.
" it depends on how far we get, but it won't long," she informed.

jeongguk takes the book from victoria's desk and begins skimming through it. he frowns when he suddenly noticed red spots dripping on the page.

" omg! your nose is bleeding." victoria cowered and she takes out a tissue from her bag.

" it is?" jeongguk raised his brow and touch his nose. blood rolled down his tatted his hand he fetch the tissue from victoria and hold it onto his nose.

" i'll clean your hand for you." she insisted and grab wipes from her bag, but jeongguk stopped her.

" don't. i'm fine," he bluntly said and rise from his seat. " wait—"  " what bitch?!" he snaps.

the whole class turn their heads with wide eyes, some laughed and some completely ignored them.

" watch your mouth, mr. jeon," ms. bam warned.

victoria's eyes cast down and tears welled. she nibbles on her lower lip as her throat begins closing up.

" can i go to the bathroom? " jeongguk grumble and hold the tissue up his nose.

" oh my goodness, what happened?"

" none of your business." he walks out of the classroom and made his way to the bathroom as it was right upstairs.

jeongguk made it there and clean his nose as if it was nothing serious—well to him.

yg:are you in class right now?

jk: bathroom.

yg: which one? upstairs?

jk: yea.

yg: coming. we need to talk about sum.

jk: aight.

moments later, the bathroom door opens, and yoongi walks in.

" bro, what the hell happened? you fought again?

" what the fuck, no."

" then—" yoongi stopped talking and examine jeongguk's eyes. his pupils were dilated and his orbs, which were bloodshot.

" jeongguk..."


a/n: the chapters will get better soon, i promise! :)

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