Mini Stark

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"I think I'll go and scold Tony and Clint now." Steve said to Peter. "Maybe I can convince them to stay away from your group. Try to have some fun and don't worry about those two too much." Added Steve in attempt to help Peter not worry so much.

It didn't work well, the kid was still nervous. But he did appreciate Cap's effort. He would try to stop thinking about it, because he really wanted to relax and enjoy the tour. Peter wouldn't have to stay on guard too much because his spider sense would warn him.

"Thanks. See you later, Steve." Peter replied, speaking softly so his class couldn't hear. The older man left, leaving Peter.

Peter awkwardly walked back over to his class. Some of the students were gaping at him, having recognized the man he was talking to. Flash seemed to be among them, but also denying what he saw. Others looked confused. And then there was one who didn't seem to care. That was MJ. She was reading her book again.

"Alright then! Let me hand out your badges." Katelyn started in her super cheery voice. "I don't know your names, so just come up when I call you. Becky Anderson." One by one each person grabbed their badge.

As this happened, Flash approached him. Peter mentally groaned. He just never stopped.

"Who was that, Penis? You've got some people fooled into thinking it's actually Captain America." Flash confronted the boy.

"He's one of my friends. We see each other on the weekends a lot." Peter told him truthfully.

"Then why was he here? Don't try and tell me it's because he works with you, Penis. You can't trick me with that lie." Flash questioned him. Peter panicked, he didn't want to tell Flash who it was, but he was running out of options. And technically, everything Flash had just told him not to tell him was true. Peter, as Spider-Man, worked with Steve on missions occasionally.

"He works with Mr. Stark, and I see him during my internship." Peter explained.

Flash still didn't believe he was telling the truth. His eyes were narrowing at Peter suspiciously. Flash opened his mouth to say something else, probably another accusation, when his name was called for his badge. Peter saw Katelyn give Flash the stink eye as she handed his card to him. She must have seen what was going on.

Peter took the opportunity to escape back to his friends. They already had their badges since they were being called out in alphabetical order.

"Peter, was that really-" Ned started rambling excitingly. Peter cut him off.

"Ned, quiet! I don't want people to know about that." The boy urgently whispered to his friend.

"So it is? Dude, you have got to introduce me." Expressed Ned at a much lower volume. His eyes wide in amazement.

"Sure Ned, maybe some other time." Peter assured his friend.

Ned directed his attention towards his temporary badge. He seemed to soak in every little detail that was there. Peter didn't understand why Ned found it so amazing, but apparently it was to him.

They had the person's name on it with a picture and the Stark Industries logo. At the top, there was a colored bar with the person's status. For their class, the bar was yellow, and the status was Delta.

Peter took his badge out of his bag. One of the security measures of the tower was that each person was only allowed one badge. So Peter could not get a separate one for the field trip. He just hoped nobody noticed.

Peter's looked different. It still had his name, picture, and the logo. However, the bar color and status were different. The bar was purple and the status was Alpha. This gave him access to every part of the tower.

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