Stolen Sandwich

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Pepper led the class away from Steve and Bucky, and in the direction of the eating area. Peter knew that there were two. One was inside near the entrance area, and the other was an outdoor courtyard. Pepper was leading them to the courtyard.

It was a quaint place. There were bushes and shrubs, as well as trees and flowers along the edges. There were a few round picnic tables with umbrellas in the center for shade. It wasn't huge, but it was reasonably sized and comfortable for relaxing.

Some people were already there. Many of them were interns, but there were also small groups of business men dressed in fancy attire. The other school group that Peter had seen at the entrance was there eating their own lunches.

Peter's class all chose a place to sit down and eat. Since a lot of the places to sit were already taken, they had to sit in the grass. In the permission slip, everybody was told to pack a lunch. Most people had brought one in a brown lunch bag.

Ned and Peter followed MJ to a shady spot against the wall. Ned was practically bouncing in his spot.

"Dude, how do you know so many Avengers? I knew about Tony Stark, but you didn't tell me about everyone else!" Ned excitedly exclaimed.

"You never said anything about Captain America! Then Thor shows up and knows you too! Peter, you are so lucky." The boy quickly added.

Peter honestly didn't know how to answer that. He was too humble to talk about all of it, not that he tried to be. Peter also knew that this was how Ned would react, so that's why he never told him in the first place.

"And he called you mini Stark." MJ whispered in Peter's ear. Ned didn't even seem to notice, as he was too lost in his own thoughts.

MJ knew that the comment would annoy him. How many times already had Clint brought it up in the penthouse? Everyone who didn't know Peter seemed to think the two were related, but they weren't.

Sure, Mr. Stark was a great mentor. But it definitely wasn't anything more than that. He just came to the tower on weekends to train with the team and work in the lab, they didn't really hang out besides that.

Alright, maybe Peter wanted Mr. Stark to be more. Maybe he sometimes called Mr. Stark "Dad" in his mind occasionally on accident. That didn't mean they had that relationship.

But the whole Avengers team seemed to think otherwise. As mentioned earlier, Clint constantly reminded Tony and Peter, calling the younger of the two "your kid" and Tony "your old man". Eventually the others caught on, and now that's just what they were called.

"But I'm not! Peter protested. He sounded like a little kid with the way he whined.

MJ raised her eyebrows. "Are you sure about that?" She questioned her boyfriend. He was getting more and more annoyed, and it was a lot of fun for MJ.

"I just go to his lab on the weekends. That's it. You know that, MJ." Peter insisted. MJ hummed in agreement.

"I also know that he drives you to and from school almost every day." The girl added.

MJ didn't usually see Peter until he was actually in the building in the mornings, but May had informed her of the arrangement. As for driving Peter home, MJ always walked from school and would see Tony Stark in one of his less fancy cars waiting in the kiss and ride line.

""That's only because of May's promotion! She works longer shifts now and can't get me there herself!" Her boyfriend argued with her again.

"I thought it was Happy who drove you before, not May." She pointed out. Peter groaned. MJ wouldn't let herself lose this argument.

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