Friday, Play Despacito

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"What did Friday just say?" Peter exclaimed. His spider sense had tingled in his sleep. That was when he first discovered that he had been sleeping. Then he heard Friday speak.

"I guess the royal family of Wakanda came." Natasha repeated for the AI. Peter looked panic stricken.

"No no no. This is not good." Peter said out loud, but to himself. The boy felt paralyzed.

"You might not even see her, Peter." Wanda pointed out.

Peter considered it. That might be true, because the princess often came to help Tony with projects or give him access to other resources. When Peter first met Shuri, that had been the reason she was there.

— — —

Mr. Stark had asked Peter to work on the new coms in his suit. They were nearly the same as the older ones, but these adjusted to Peter's hearing sensitivity. It was generally different by the time and day, which was something Mr. Stark didn't know when he first made Peter the suit.

So he'd come straight from school in order to work on the newer coms. Mr. Stark couldn't really help him with coding it to right volume. It would be hard considering the man didn't have super hearing.

Speaking of his super hearing, Peter could pick up the quiet sound of someone mumbling song lyrics. The person seemed to be nearby, and they were coming closer by the second. It really didn't sound like Mr. Stark, and Peter couldn't identify the voice.

He made a split second decision and hid behind the couch in the lounge section of the lab. He watched as the unidentified person strode into the lab with a bounce to her step as she softly sang. Now that she was in the room, Peter could tell it was God's Plan by Drake.

What were they doing here? Why is this person in Mr. Stark's private lab? As far as Peter knew, he and Dr. Banner were the only ones that Mr. Stark allowed in this lab. The situation seemed sketchy. But at least she had good taste in music.

The girl had dark hair that was braided and twisted into two buns on the top of her head. It reminded Peter of Mickey Mouse a little bit. She wore an assortment of jewelry that mostly consisted of beads. The girl was definitely pretty, but she wasn't Peter's type. Plus, he liked MJ anyways.

The weird thing was that the girl wasn't being discreet. She was loudly moving around and using Mr. Stark's tools and equipment. She didn't appear to be looking for anything in particular. A little device was in front of her, and she was just working on whatever it was. It seemed like she was allowed in here with the way she acted.

He tried to inch closer to get a better look at the mystery girl, but his foot caught onto something in the process. Peter heard a crash and turned around. Dum-E was on the ground, but thankfully not broken. Mr. Stark wouldn't have been happy about that.

"Dum-E!" He shouted in worry. The friendly robot beeped in distress. Peter carefully picked him up and set him on the desk he was on before.

"Were you talking to me or to yourself?" The girl asked him. She was still steadily working on the device from before.

"I was talking to the robot." Peter hesitantly answered.

"Ok, so then you're definitely a dummy." She assumed.

"Hey!" He yelled in defense. Dum-E also let out some beeping in protest.

"Relax, I was just playing with you." The girl said, smiling. When Peter didn't say anything, she continued. "Some man in the vents was telling me about Stark's kid. That's you, right?" She asked him.

Peter rapidly shook his head. "No. Mr. Stark doesn't have a kid. I'm not sure why Clint told you that." He confidently answered.

The girl smiled again. "Well, I'm sorry to break it to you, but you're definitely Stark's kid." She informed Peter. The boy started stuttering.

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