My Kid

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"Now everyone follow me, we have a Q&A with Tony Stark!" Pepper announced to the eager students.

Everyone had finished eating their lunches, except for Flash. They got to relax a little bit before Pepper continued their tour.

It was a wonderful break for Peter. He was definitely not excited for the Q&A. Based on the way things were going, it wouldn't turn out well for him. Or even Flash for that matter.

Everyone looked super excited, and Peter heard many of the girls squealing. He sighed. He missed the days he felt the same about seeing Mr. Stark. Not that he didn't like seeing his da- mentor, they were just used to each other enough that Peter didn't feel that kind if excitement anymore.

Pepper hadn't told them where in the tower they were going, but Peter guessed it was the press conference room. He recognized the hallway they were in. Usually this was where Mr. Stark would make announcements about the company and hold press conferences. Sometimes it would be set up so people could walk around and look at the new tech that would soon be released. Generally, it wasn't used for anything else.

But apparently now it would be. That couldn't mean anything good at all.

Peter followed Pepper and his class. There were lots of excited whispers from the jittery students. Peter was just jittery for a whole different reason. MJ surprisingly excited too. Based on her expression, she also knew something was coming. Great. Ned was being Ned, and was soaking in everything he could, his expression in awe. Peter was surprised he wasn't rambling like before.

Apparently Peter thought too soon.

"So Hawkeye knows you too? And you talked to him about Delmar's? Does that mean he knows your sandwich order? Does Tony Stark know your sandwich order? Has he ever gone to buy you a sandwich? I would love if Tony Stark bought me food!" Ned excitedly babbled.

"He has ordered you food before, Ned." Peter pointed out to his friend. Ned looked like he remembered that now that Peter mentioned it.

"Right! But it would be cool if he knew my sandwich order too." The boy paused in thought. "How many Avengers to you actually know? I'm pretty sure almost all of then have come up to you today! Do you know Ant-Man too? What about Dr. Strange? I heard he's basically a wizard. Do you think he has one of those wizard hats? Do you think he's more like Harry Potter? Would he have a wand then?" He chattered some more.

"He just has a cape, Ned, and a glowing green necklace." Peter answered the boy.

"That's so cool." Ned said.

When they got to the press conference room, Pepper had everyone sit down on the floor again. Peter personally hated sitting on floors. Especially hard tile ones like the floor he was sitting on now. But the room didn't have any chairs, so he'd have to deal with it anyways.

There was a large stage in the front. Normally, there would be a podium and Mr. Stark would go up and announce whatever he was going to announce from there. Sometimes Pepper would do it for him too. Peter could no longer see the podium, so it was probably behind the curtain that was also there.

It was a very stylish setup. It had to be, considering the room was constantly on TV and the press had almost complete free run of it. The floors where tile and the edges were wedged together so that there were no gaps between each square. There were many modern styled chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling above them. Like the entrance area, this room spoke luxury.

Pepper walked in front of the stage, but not on it. Her heels clicked against the tile as she walked.

"Let me introduce you to... Tony Stark!" The woman announced to the group.

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