Idiot Brother

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"Boss, Thor and Loki have arrived at the tower." Friday informed Tony. The man smiled. "They are bringing the Midtown Science tour group to the training room." The AI added on.

The genius's smile faltered slightly, that part hadn't exactly been part of the plan. Tony was supposed to meet Asgardian down there, and then they would go find Peter. He supposed he would just have to change the plan. Easy peasy.

"Hold up the elevator, Fri." Tony instructed. He headed towards the door to his lab at a quick pace. Pepper caught him before he could leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" She challenged him.

"The living room. I've got to talk to Nat and Wanda." He told her. She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously.

"As long as you're not going downstairs to talk to Peter." Pepper said. "Or trick someone into doing it for you."

"Wasn't even considering it." Tony promised. He quickly left the room.

"I'm not kidding, Tony!" He heard his fiancée yell from his lab.

He hadn't been lying. He wasn't going to talk to Peter and he wasn't going to trick anyone into doing it for him. However, he knew some people who would do it without convincing.

Tony went to the living room where he assumed the two Avengers would be. He was right. Natasha was playing Mario Kart with Sam and Clint. She was creaming them. Tony saw about a dozen banana peels and koopa shells bouncing around the track. Every few seconds, Sam or Clint would crash into one. Nat was on her third lap while the other two were somewhere on their first. Wanda was sitting on the sofa, laughing at the two men struggle and fail.

"That's what you get for criticizing the gaming skills of women." Nat told them as Yoshi finished in first. Wanda started another round of laughing fits. The bird themed heroes hung their heads in shame, muttering about it not being fair. Yoshi was jumping in his vehicle, pumping his fist in the air. Donkey Kong shook his head in disbelief, and Baby Peach cried and had a mini tantrum.

"Phase three, Plan C." Tony said aloud. The four heads in the room whipped around to look at him. Nat and Wanda glared at him for interrupting, but obliged and headed towards the elevator.

"Thor's already in there with Pete's whole class, you're going to have to use the stairs." He told them. They both looked fairly annoyed.

"That's seventeen flights, Tony." Wanda complained. She looked more like a teenager when she did that.

"That's not really my problem." The billionaire replied. Wanda moaned, and then followed Natasha down the staircase. "And you better hurry up! I stopped the elevator to buy you some time, but there's a ton of people in there." Tony yelled after them. Technically, Wanda could make her and Nat fly down using her magic, but he would let them figure it out themselves.

After being defeated in Mario Kart, Clint and Sam switched to Wii Sports Resort. They were in the middle of a dogfight, and Sam was down by a few balloons. Tony left as Sam's Mii chased Clint's Mii into the volcano.

— — —

"You couldn't have taken just one day off from being an idiot, now could you?" Loki scolded his brother. "Stark told you there was an emergency, and now we're stuck in this elevator with thirty little children with no way to get out! 'Get help' won't help us like it did last time, brother."

"Oh, so it's my fault now? Wasn't it your grand idea to have a blue glowing cube control everyone's mind?" Thor accused his brother.

"And it was your idea to attack the frost giants and start a war." Loki reminded Thor in return.

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