Answered Prayers

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Yesterday was such a long stressful day but it was still productive. I got Reine in my custody and they arrested that man with his crew. I was lying in the bed with Reine quietly watching a little Einstein's dvd when my phone started ringing. "Hello mother" I whispered. "Hey I was just checking on y'all" she said. "We are fine. Last night was better than the first but still not the best" I said. "Well you'll get used to that. What are you getting into today" she asked. "I am taking Reine to the doctor to get checked out and make sure she's healthy" I said rubbing her hair. "That's good. You know I was looking up the meaning on Reine's name and in French her name means beautiful queen" she said. "Wow that's really cute. I should personalize her a blanket or something" I said. "I already did" my mom laughed. "Anything else you want to tell me about" I asked. "No that's it for now. I'm just really proud of you Payton. I've been praying for you since you got engaged. I prayed to God that you lived happily and that if the man you were marrying wasn't for you then he would get you out of that. I prayed to God that you would have children and a husband that truly loves you. He is answering my prayers Pay. He showed you that the man you were with wasn't for you. He gave you a child even though you had a set back first. You had a minor setback for a major comeback. Most people have to pay thousands of dollars to adopt and God said no keep your money" she said. "Thank you momma" I said. "Now all that is left is a husband" she laughed. "Well can you pray for me to get a better job too" I asked. "I will but you got to pray too. You should also come to church Sunday" she said. "Yes ma'am I will. God has showed me the signs that he is still in control and he is still the master. But right now I have to get up and get ready to take my baby to the doctor" I said. "Alright baby call me later" she said as I hung up.

I got out of the bed and Reine looked at me. "I'm just getting your clothes calm down girl" I laughed. I grabbed the Jordan outfit Taylor bought her yesterday with a pink headband. I changed her diaper and put her clothes on. I love these little diapers. The designs are so cute. I only bought two designs so I have to get more.

I put Reine in the bumbo seat and proceeded to get ready

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I put Reine in the bumbo seat and proceeded to get ready. I cut on some music as I got ready. I put on some ripped jeans with a white tank top. I sat Reine on the bathroom counter and gave her a toy. I fixed my hair and applied a little make up. Once I was done I put on my denim shirt and my silver watch. I moved Reine to the bed as I looked for my white pumas. I found them under my bed and put them ona. Then I grabbed some diapers and put them in my purse with an extra onesie and wipes. We went to the kitchen and I got her bottles ready. Once I had everything together I put Reine in her seat.

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