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So it's been a week and a half since we went to Walmart. Micheal has been over every other day. I have also been working on getting my party planning business up and running. I was currently sitting at home with Reine on my computer. Today Micheal was taking me on a date and Taylor was watching Reine. I was in the middle of working on my website when the door opened. "Girl why you just laying around" Taylor asked. "It's only 3" I said. "And you look like my mom" she laughed. "I don't have to get dressed up" I laughed. She sat on the couch and looked at me. "What" I laughed. "So I've been dying to know. How do you feel about Micheal" she asked. "Ugh I knew this was coming but I don't know. I've been trying not to compare him to Jacob but he's literally everything which is the total opposite of Jacob. He texts me all day and asks me how I'm doing. He sent me flowers last week. He calls me his queen. He loves Reine and Reine loves him. He's okay with noodles for dinner and doesn't mind being affectionate in public. He walks beside me every time we go somewhere and doesn't let me pay for anything. Oh and let me not forget he is sexy as hell. He stimulates my brain and challenges me. I mean come on all this and we haven't even had sex. He hasn't even tried" I said. "Oooo Girl you lucky as heck. You haven't even had sex with the man yet. Just imagine when you put the pussy on him. Y'all going to have to get married then" she laughed. "I know. I think I'm in love" I joked. "Damn. I knew I lost" she laughed. "Thank you for watching Reine though for real" I said. "Girl this is my god baby it's my job" she said. "I know I just haven't been away from her since I got her" I said. "I know. That's why you gotta let other people spoil her too" she said picking up Reine.

I got in the shower and shaved. I got out and curled my hair. I put on my long sleeve grey body suit with some fashion nova jeans. Taylor walked in with Reine as I looked for my black booties with the jeweled heel. "I can't wait til I have babies. She is the cutest" Taylor said. "Isn't she. Oh my goodness she is the funniest girl too. Last night she was faking sleep and every time I called her name she would laugh" I laughed as I pulled out my shoes. "You need a bigger place Pay" she said. "I know. My mom transformed my old room into a nursery and she doesn't even have a room here. But My lease is up in two months so" I said putting my shoes on. "Yea if you don't move in with Micheal first" she laughed. "You know I have never been to his place" I said. "Oh you will looking like that" she said. "Girl I don't look extra" I laughed. "Let me do your make up" she said giving me a sleeping Reine. I laid her down as Taylor got my make up. "Don't go overboard Tay" I said. "Have you ever seen him without being dressed up" she asked as she did my makeup. "No" I laughed. "What if he has tattoos everywhere" she asked. "Tattoos are sexy as fuck" I laughed. She finished my make up then handed me a mirror. "I swear you act like I'm your little sister or something" I laughed. "Because you are and you let me" she laughed. "I know. I let you play with my hair. I let you do my makeup and if we go out I let you pick out my clothes" I said. "I don't see a problem with that" she laughed as we walked to the kitchen.  I showed her the milk, bottles, diapers, wipes, and teething stuff. "Girl I got this" she said as Micheal knocked on the door.

Taylor literally ran and opened the door. "Hey Micheal" she said letting him in. "Hey Taylor" he laughed. He had on a black adidas shirt with some jeans and his white and black adidas. He had a fresh cut and tattoos all down his arm. "Oh my goodness" I said. "What's wrong" he laughed. "She hasn't been on a date in a long time" Taylor said handing me my purse and pushing us out the door. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Wrap it up and record the proposal" she said. "Bye Taylor" I laughed. We walked to his car and he opened my door. "I haven't been away from Reine since I got her" I said as he got in. "Well I'll make sure to make it worth your while" he said. "Where are we going" I asked. "Well I've been out the game a long time so I just decided on bowling and dinner. Maybe a walk in the park" he said. "Sounds lovely" I said.

We pulled up to the bowling alley and He opened all the doors. "Listen I haven't bowled in a long time" I said. "You trying to say that because you know I'm going to win" he laughed as he paid. "No I'm not" I laughed. He put my shoes on and then put his on while I typed in our names. "Damn Pay you done got thick" he said. "Boy I always been thick" I laughed. "Nah I have seen you with tight clothes and you ain't ever looked that thick" he laughed. "Boy Bye" I laughed. "I think it's Happy weight. I make you happy" he asked wrapping his arms around my waist. "Maybe" I laughed. "Or you seeing somebody else" he said stepping back. "Boy you are fine as fuck and I really like you. Why would I be seeing anyone else when I'm really not even supposed to be seeing you. The question is are you seeing someone else" I said walking to the balls but he grabbed me. "Baby you are a queen and not just any ordinary queen. I'm already trying to spend the rest of my life with you and I don't even know everything about you. Yet you already are the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about when I go to sleep. I don't have the heart to play someone as beautiful as you" he said making me smile.

After we got done bowling we went to Chili's. We got seated at a booth and Micheal sat bedside me. "I can't believe you cheated like that" I said. "What? I cheated? I went easy on you. I can't believe you only had 25 points" he laughed. "Because you cheated" I said. "Hello my name is Abdul. I will be your waiter. What can I get you to drink" the man said. "I want the strongest sprite you got" Micheal said. "I'll have a water" I laughed. "I'm fr. Like even if you gotta go to McDonald's across the street. Nah is Hodges here" Micheal asked. "Yes sir" the waiter laughed. "Tell Hodges Micheal said hook him up with the strongest sprite y'all have" Micheal said and the waiter walked away. "You're crazy" I laughed as I looked at the menu. Then a man came up with our drinks. "Aye don't come here showing out nigga" he said sitting in the booth. "I was just trying to get something to drink" Micheal laughed. "Whatever man what you doing here" the man asked. "This is my lady Payton. Payton this is my little brother Mathew" Micheal said. "So you the girl my brother is stupid about. You can call me Hodges" he said. "Man I need new friends. You and momma did the same thing" Micheal said shaking his head. "You don't want more friends Jo. They cause problems" Hodges said getting up. "Jo" I asked. "Yea his middle name is Josiah" he said before walking around.

"Anyways Let's talk about us" Micheal said taking a couple sips of his drink. "Awww can I call you Jojo" I asked. "If you'll be my girlfriend" he said. "Sounds like a deal to me Jojo" I said. "Are you guys ready to order" Abdul asked. We ordered and he left. "So lets really get to know each other" he said. "Alright is this the part where we play 21 questions" I laughed. "Yea" he laughed. "What kind of sprite did you get boy" I laughed. "What's your favorite color" he laughed. "Purple but not just any purple light purple" I said. "I like blue" he said laying his head on me. "What do you do for fun" I asked. "I play basketball a lot" he laughed. "Well I like to go to the mall but I don't always buy stuff. I like the atmosphere and just looking at stuff. Good exercise too" I said. Our food came and we ate. "This is some good sprite" Micheal said finishing the cup. "That's enough for you" I laughed. "How y'all doing" Hodges asked. "Boy what the fuck you put in my drink" Micheal asked. "You been out the game too long Jo. I didn't know it would hit you this bad" Hodges laughed. "You mother fucker. What did you put in my drink" Micheal laughed. "Don't worry about it Jo" he laughed. "I was not trying to get drunk tonight Hodges" Micheal laughed. "I'll remember that next time. Dinner is on me baby" he laughed walking away. "I'm sorry Pay" Micheal said. "Let's take a picture Jo" I laughed pulling up Snapchat. "You're hair smells good" he said.

I sent the picture to Taylor and posted it on my story

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I sent the picture to Taylor and posted it on my story. "You ready to go" Micheal asked drinking the rest of my water. "Let's go buddy" I said. "Baby" he said. "Let's go baby" I laughed. We got in the car and I drove. "Wait" Micheal said. He pushed some buttons and the car started driving following the directions Micheal put in. "You are so beautiful" Micheal said. "Thank you Jojo" I laughed. "I can't wait to marry you and have a family" he laughed. "Micheal you know I can't have kids right" I said and he shook his head. "I talked to God and he told me it wasn't you. He said it was Jacob that can't have kids" he laughed as we pulled up to his house. "You gotta stay with me tonight" Micheal said getting out. He lead me to his apartment and I unlocked the door. He had a nice two bedroom townhouse. We walked upstairs to his room. Micheal took off his clothes leaving him in some basketball shorts. I looked through his drawers to find a big shirt. "No no no. Look over there in the closet. I got you something" he said laying on the bed. I looked in the closet and found a target bag. I pulled out a shark onesie and started laughing. "You like it" he asked. "I love it" I laughed. I tried it on and it was tight. "I'm more of a medium than a small" I said walking back into his room. "Nah it looks perfect" he said lifting his head up. I climbed into bed with him and he pulled me close. "Can I tell you a secret" he asked. "Yes I love secrets" I laughed. "I'm still a virgin" he laughed. "Really" I asked. "Good night my love" he said. "Good night" I laughed. "I love you. You don't have to say it back" he said.

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