Three's a Crowd

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The Narashti pet was impossible for the hunters to track. However, their ears seemed to tell the story just fine. In short; it was very close. The rumble of the low growl could be felt in the floor platting.

The beast only stood 3-4 ft high, it possessed a narrow bone-like jagged body. The surface of which was coated in an oil-like substance. Its neck could easily fold back on itself. Its tail which was nearly six feet long could be used as a whip. A whip with the ability to cut through armor.

The jaws of this beast were another factor for fear. The teeth were of course sharp and the jaws could crush folded titanium. It was assumed they could bite through the armor of any race.

As the female hunter told the men this information; they had wished the black hunters valued sharing information as they did. Nodding slightly, Rhynn looked down to the floor and looked up to his unarmed ally. He had been contemplating an action. Truth be told; in that precise moment, Jonah was flooded with a sense of apprehension. It served him well.

Rhynn drew an energy-based weapon and fired a beam into the chest of his friend. Jonah flew back into a wall and slumped over. Checking his target Rhynn engaged a heavier set of armor and began to walk towards the sealed door.

"Paying for your sins, Rhynn?" The woman called after him, almost mocking him.
"Paying for yours... I stopped killing years ago, if you haven't noticed." He looked back towards Jonah.
"If I don't make it back; he will know how to get you out. I only ask for you to spare his life as I have spared yours. Be honorable where I was not." The doors unsealed and sprung open. In an instant, they have locked again.

She looked at the sealed doors and the knocked-out Jonah. She sighed and found a comfortable spot to sit. It looked like she was in for a while.

An hour had passed, and the situation was the same. Jonah however had begun to wake up. Mumbling under his breath, he came around.

"He shot me?" He staggered to his feet.
"Where is he?" He asked the woman.
She only glanced at the man and instantly looked away.
"Where did he go?!" He yelled through the glass. She locked eyes and tried her best to imply he wasn't going to tell him anything. Removing his helmet, he allowed the gaze to pass into his actual eyes.
"I get the impression you are not going to help me. Which is understandable considering what I removed from you." Again no response.
"According to your file, I actually have the communications frequency you used to contact your hunter friends. Gosh, they gotta be worried about you." He smiled slightly.
"You need to work on being menacing. Good attempt, however." She responded.

Realizing he wasn't going to get very far, he restored his helmet and tried to think of another tactic. As she resumed her glare at Jonah. The wall above and behind him seemed to shimmer.

Glancing a second time, she began to see a shape, a shape very much like the beast Rhynn left to go and kill. Realizing also, the glass room would not protect her from the being either; Jonah's survival was equally important as hers.

"Jonah..." she said in a very calm voice.
"Oooooh, we are on a first-name basis now? I'm sorry I didn't get yours." He mocked her.
"No...Jonah. The Morder is right behind you." She opened her palms and acted like she could pick up Jonah and move him with her mind. She gestured emphatically. "Run Jonah. Run while you can." She said in a strained whisper. Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates.

Gradually, Jonah began to turn around. The Morder had begun to become visible. Its claws and jaws had sprung open, ready for what will come next. It's teeth-filled jawline was only 3ft from him.

He tried to remind himself to be calm, but he couldn't focus his mind. He was busy thinking about what was going to come next. It was in the same instance, when the Morder jumped from its perch on the wall, that Jonah remembered he was carrying the woman's sword. He also realized he could very likely die, not even knowing her name. These thoughts, however, did not slow down his reflexes. 

He had drawn the sword. It was at this point, it was possible he could inflict some damage before the beast could. The beast wrapped its jaws around Jonah's left arm as he plunged the sword into its chest cavity. They together collapsed to the ground.

The damage done to the Morder was mortal in nature. The doors to the room suddenly exploded open as a tumbling battle sword connected with the Center mass of the reptile-like creature. The force used to throw the sword picked up the animal and pinned it to the wall.

Rhynn entered the room with a rifle drawn. He approached the dying creature and examined its body.

It wore a small helmet like device around its head. The animal in quick secession breathed its last and locked its eyes on Rhynn and Jonah. It would know who killed it, and little did the three hunters know; so did the race to whom it belonged.

Jonah thanked Rhynn and winced as he held his arm. They both examined it as he winced again, but this time he removed his damaged sections. The armor rolled away from his skin and revealed small teeth marks that had punctured through.

All around the bite marks, the skin had begun to turn purple. A sure sign of infection. Within moments, it began to release puss.

"The bite is as bad as the creature itself." The woman said from behind the glass. She seemed very interested in Jonah's survival again. She almost seemed worried.

Jonah frowned and walked to the door of the glass room. He punched in a code and it opened. Shocked, Rhynn protested and paused as Jonah collapsed to the floor. He groaned and pulled Rhynn closer. "She warned me... she tried to help me." He slipped into a coma.

Rhynn stood over his dying friend and watched his enemy step out from her confinement. They froze as they both tried to decide what actions they should take. If he took too long, Jonah would die. If he ignored his enemy, she will escape.

"Hunters Blade" -From within The SerpentWhere stories live. Discover now