Lunar Transition

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He stood on a hill side; as black ink like smoke choked out the bright sunlight. He held his sword in his right hand, his left held a high velocity blaster. It's barrel was smouldering softly in the gentle wind.

Below him down the hill; a small research station burned furiously. His armour had taken some direct hits, some even still hot to the touch. His helmet hid his smug grin as he watched the chaos unfold below.

He stopped abruptly in his steps as he could hear a strange sound on the wind. Looking with his visor, and the incredible zoom it had; He searched for its source.

It was a high pitch sound at first, but as he listened; the pitch changed. It almost sounded like a voice.

Eindri smacked his helmet again. Sputtering and stammering he began flaying like a turtle on its back. "Hold still!" She screamed over the sound of the ship decompressing. She tried to hold him down the best she could.

Her armour was trying to repair its own damage, and repair her multiple lacerations inside its protective skin. She worked fast to seal Rhynns armour. The expanding red foam had protected them from the initial impact. However as the ship rolled- they did too.

Inside both of their armour they synced their minds with each other. A calm set it as the last of the air escaped from the gaping holes in the skin of the vessel.

"Are you ok?" She asked
"I'm ok." He reassured her.
"Sir you have a splinter of titan steel through your leg. You are not fine." She said drawing his attention to his left leg.
She only touched it with one finger and pressed to one side. His agony only resonated inside his helmet.
"Where is Jonah?" Rhynn grunted in pain.
"I only found you..." she looked down and away from his inquisitive face.

He gulped as a he acknowledged a dose of pain killer. "You are going to need to find me a spot to rest." She frowned as she realized her position of leaning over Rhynn had damaged her healing process. The suit that was under the compulsory obligation to keep its wearer alive; suddenly sedated her.

Rhynn watched as she keeled over and laid in the ash like moon surface. He panicked as much as he could muster, but he too was losing consciousness. Gasping he closed his eyes but found her hand and locked his grip on her.

The armour had a interesting feature in situations like this. It shed its skin much like a snake. Any damages obstructions or foreign bodies would be worked out. If they were in perfect health it wouldn't matter. However truth be told; they likely were not going to make it.

Jonah was very much alive; be it 400 meters away from them, covered in a section of the outer hull. He had been blown clear of any further damages. As the hull slowly moved away in the low gravity. Jonah was freed.

When he came around he tried Standing. Doing so, he surveyed the crash site. 90 percentage the ship was still intact. Power source was still intact. In fact it was at an higher output than before. His helmet detected the location of his allies.

Finding their Remains he used the seatbelts from the wreck and fashioned a rope or a leash. As their bodies floated peacefully; Jonah found a small rocky cave and decided it was a safer place to hide than out in the open.

As he marched he noticed small debris of the ship floating in the air. Rational thought told him, "it's nothing to worry about" satisfied, he thanked his rational thoughts and returned to his marching.

Upon entering the cave, or what he discovered was an old magma tunnel; he placed his motionless friends down. His hands glowed a bright blue colour and he attached a device to their wrists. A bright stream of red energy cycled back and forth between the two bodies.

Flipping out a small scanner he made a pass over their bodies. The Device revealed there wasn't enough energy between them to heal sufficiently. The process was going to kill them. He scanned himself. He was in good shape, but what he had in mind wasn't what the armour was intended for.

Fastening another device around his own wrists he tied one to each of his friends. He had created a circuit of energy transfer. Each could now share the power equally. The problem was, his two friends were pretty close to being dead batteries. He thought about that for a moment. He then realized if not for his decision to include them in this mission; they would not be here.

"Sir." His on-board computer cautiously warned him. "Doing this may kill you sir."
"Acknowledged." He closed his eyes.
"I believe you're chances of survival would be increased if you would allow me to by pass your genetic suppression programming."

Opening his eyes, he glared. "Fine. I'll redo the process later." He grunted
"Very good sir. You may feel a slight pinch and you will be sedated." He huffed as he prepared.

He layed down 60 meters down a magma tunnel and made like a dead man in the dirt. He lurched suddenly and then silence. As the transfer began, all became oblivious to their surroundings. The deep sleep like state only left room for one problem; It was being watched very intently.

This being had been following them for as long as they had been running. A Morder had been sent literally to be the very eyes of the Narashti.

Somewhere at the mouth of the tunnel a large 8 foot brute of a beast began to enter the tunnel. It's heavy frame forced a dust cloud with every step.

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